33 Infos zu Uli Lynen

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3 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Vom selbstgebauten PC zum Supercomputer | Aktuelles aus der...

Seine Doktorarbeit machte Volker Lindenstruth an der GSI bei Prof. Ulrich Lynen. „Mit Uli hatte ich den ... Lynen ging daraufhin auf das Dach und kratzte ...

The Rise and Fall … and Rise of Multifragmentation: from ALADiN to...

Colloquium on the occasion of the 80th Birthday of Prof. Uli Lynen by Prof. Concettina Sfienti (Kernphysik Institut, Uni Mainz) Overview. Home.

Giovanni RACITI International Memorial Meeting (1 February 2010)

Giacomo Cuttone Marzio De Napoli Uli Lynen Giuseppe Pappalardo Mihai Petrovici Elisa Rapisarda Udo Schroeder Concettina Sfienti Wolfgang Trautmann

1 Business-Profile

Lynen, Uli

L’application IdRef permet d’interroger les autorités des bases Calames, Sudoc, STAR, STEP et Thèses.fr, d'enrichir et/ou de corriger des notices autorités...

6 Bücher zum Namen

Advances In Nuclear Dynamics - Proceedings Of The 10th Winter...

The field of nuclear dynamics has evolved tremendously over the course of the 15 years of this workshop series. The workshop presently spans a very broad range...

Advances in Nuclear Dynamics: Proceedings of the 10th Winter Workshop...

274 Uli Lynen Multifragmentation in Peripheral Collisions of Heavy Nuclei. .

Critical Phenomena And Collective Observables - Cris '96 - Google...

... LUNCH and RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Chairperson: Renato Potenza (Catania) Tuesday, May 28, Chairperson: Uli Lynen (GSI) 09:00-09:45 Betty.

Fragmentation Phenomena - Proceedings Of The Workshop - Google Books

"Grinding” is essentially induced by heat (talk by Uli Lynen). Further the inverse kinematics of the ALADIN experiments makes sampling of the fragments easy.

3 Dokumente

PhD Thesis

Multifragmentation : role de la masse et de l'isospin


Thèse présentée pour l’obtention du grade de Docteur de l’Université Louis Pasteur …

Research with Antiprotons - Hadron Spectroscopy Nuclear Physicswww-np.ucy.ac.cy › GSI-Future › cdr › S2_Kap2

Kühn, Uli Lynen, Volker Metag, Herbert Orth, Stefan Paul, Josef Pochodzalla, Jim. Ritman, Lars Schmitt, Carsten Schwarz, Kamal Seth, Wolfram Weise, ...

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Nuclear Physics A | Vol 519, Issues 1–2, Pages (3 December...

The online version of Nuclear Physics A at ScienceDirect.com, the world's leading platform for high quality peer-reviewed full-text journals.


.it. Uli Lynen. GSI. . Muenchen Germany . Marco Maggiora. Univ. & INFN Torino. Via P.Giuria 1.

printable view (w/o menus and icons) - XLVII International Winter ...

09:00, Thursday morning- Uli Lynen (until 12:30). 09:00, Signals from the ...

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Determination of Time Scales in Intermediate Energy Reactions |...

The collision between two heavy ions at intermediate and high energies is complicated by the fact that in general not all nucleons participate to the same...

theses.fr – Khalid Kezzar

Khalid Kezzar

13 Webfunde aus dem Netz

PANDA-Experiment BMBF ErUM-FSP T08 - Termine

... Concettina Sfienti und die Laudatio von Josef Pochodzalla (beide Universität Mainz) gehalten. Beide arbeiten schon lange mit Uli Lynen bei GSI zusammen.

PANDA Honorary Lifetime Membership for Prof. Dr. Ulrich Lynen | PANDA...

The certificate was presented by the PANDA Spokesperson on April 10, at the Festive Colloquium for his 80th Birthday being held at that day at GSI. The colloquium was presented by Concettina Sfienti and the laudatory speech was given by Josef Pochodzalla (both U Mainz). Both have been working with Uli Lynen for a long time at GSI.


Je remercie le professeur Uli Lynen de m'avoir accueillie dans son équipe à GSI. Remerciements affectueux à M. Wolfgang Trautmann, responsable de ce stage, ...

The ALADiN Collaboration

Uli Lynen () Walter F.J. Müller () Herbert Orth () Concettina Sfienti () Carsten ...

PANDA Members at GSI

Lynen, Uli : Prof. em Ma, Yue: Postdoc: HAD2: Electromagnetic Processes: 1636: C : Mora-Espi, Maria Carmen: PhD Student: HAD2: Electromagnetic …

Risks | Free Full-Text | Active Management of Operational Risk in...

[Google Scholar]; Trautmann, Wolfgang, Udo Milkau, Uli Lynen, and Josef Pochodzalla Systematics of the power law parameter and ...

HEIDELBERGER PHYSIKER BERICHTEN. Rückblicke auf die Lehre und...

Ich habe mit Erfolg Uli Lynen, einen exzellenten Physiker und geschickten Experimentalisten vom Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik für das Experiment ...

NSF Award Search: Award # US-Federal Republic of Germany...

This award supports Drs. William G. Lynch, C. Konrad Gelbke and others of Michigan State University to collaborate in physics research with Drs. Uli Lynen, W.

PhD Thesis - [PDF Document]

1. Thèse présentée pour l’obtention du grade deDocteur de l’Université Louis PasteurStrasbourg IDiscipline : Physique Nucléaire par Sébastien...

Time-domain signal processing algorithms and their implementation in...

Mota, Bernardo

LBL Currents -- March 17, 1995

"Results on Liquid-Gas Phase Transitions" will be presented by Uli Lynen at 2 p.m. in Bldg. 70A f r i d a y. OP …

Crew of S117

Uli Lynen; Walter F.J. Müller · Burkhard Ocker; Tariq Odeh; Joseph Pochodzalla ...

Program of "Phase Transitions in Small Systems"

Uli Lynen (GSI) Status of the ALADIN experiments COFFEE 11:00-11:30 Rolf ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Uli

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Uli; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); uodal = das Erbe, der Erbhof, das Erbgut; rihhi = reich, mächtig, die Macht, die Herrschaft, der Herrscher; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; bekannt durch die Verehrung des hl. Ulrich, Bischof von Augsburg (9./10. Jh.)

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