89 Infos zu Toralf Melsom

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12 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Slightly elevated blood sugar linked to kidney damage risk | Reuters

People whose blood sugar levels are in the borderline range – higher than normal, but not yet diabetic - might still have an increased risk of kidney problems,...

Forskere tror det blir mulig å forsinke aldring. Svaret kan ligge ...

Jun 30, — ... overlege Bjørn Odvar Eriksen og overlege Toralf Melsom (sittende) ved ... De norske forskerne samarbeider tett med forskere i Berlin, ... › norge

nrk.no: Skal avsløre nyresvikt-gåten – NRK Troms og Finnmark

Stadig flere ender opp som Britt Andreassen, med nyresvikt. I et unikt prosjekt prøver forskerne nå å finne ut hvorfor.

Diabetic kidney damage may start earlier than thought

... starts in prediabetes, well before the onset of diabetes," study author Dr. Toralf Melsom said in a National Kidney Foundation news release.

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Toralf Melsom Profiles | Facebook

Facebook: Toralf Melsom | Facebook

LinkedIn: Toralf Melsom - dr. - unn | LinkedIn

Vis Toralf Melsoms profil på LinkedIn, verdens største faglige nettverk. Toralf har 1 jobb jobb oppført på profilen. Se hele profilen på LinkedIn og finn Toralfs ...

1 Firmen-Beteiligungen

proff: Toralf Melsom - Proff

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2 Infos zur Ausbildung

American Society of Nephrology | Kidney Week

Toralf Melsom,. Background. Metabolic syndrome (MS) affects approximately one quarter of the world, making it a global epidemic. › progr...

American Society of Nephrology | Kidney Week - Abstract Details

Abstract details for Kidney Week

3 Dokumente

Estimated GFR is biased by non-traditional cardiovascular risk factors

Because the statistical method for analyzing non-GFR-related determinants used in previous studies has been questioned [7], we used a multivariable approach...

Europe PMC

FULL TEXT Author: Delanaye P, Journal: Kidney international reports[ ]

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Comparability of Plasma Iohexol Clearance Across Population-Based...

by BO Eriksen · · Cited by 7 — ... and serum iohexol, in the Department of Nephrology at the Charité Berlin, ... Bjørn O. Eriksen, MD, PhD, Elke Schaeffner, MD, MSc, Toralf Melsom, MD, ... › science › article › pii

Central obesity associates with renal hyperfiltration in the non ...

von VTN Stefansson · · Zitiert von: 40 — Toralf Melsom & Bjørn Odvar Eriksen. Department of Organ Transplantation, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway. Trond Geir Jenssen. › ...

Even Slightly Elevated Blood Sugar Levels Linked To Kidney Damage :...

Even slightly elevated blood sugar levels may be linked to kidney damage, according to a recent study.

Kidney International Reports | Vol 3, Issue 4, Pages (July...

Open access - Original research article: Pages Toralf Melsom, Marit Dahl Solbu, Jørgen Schei, Vidar Tor Nyborg Stefansson, ... Bjørn Odvar Eriksen.

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Impaired Fasting Glucose Is Associated With Renal BioMedSearchwww.biomedsearch.com/attachments pdf

Impaired Fasting Glucose Is Associated. With Renal Hyperfiltration in the. General Population. TORALF MELSOM, MD. 1,2. ULLA DORTE MATHISEN, MD. 1,2.

1 Meinungen & Artikel

June Events | George M. O'Brien Kidney Translational Core Center

Dr. Toralf Melsom, “Hyperfiltration, Albuminuria & Rapid GFR decline in the General Non-Diabetic Population”. June 7,

56 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Melsom, Toralf | UiT

Enheten · Ansatte; Toralf Melsom. No picture, placeholder image. Institutt for klinisk medisin Tromsø. Flag icon ... › ansatte › toralf.mels...

Person # Toralf Melsom - Cristin

› show

Toralf Melsom, Tromsø SK - Skidresultat.se

Resultat och statistik för Toralf Melsom, Tromsø SK i Sveriges största samling av inofficiella skidresultat.

Melsom - Names Encyclopedia

Toralf Melsom (1) Marita Melsom (1) Maureen Melsom (1) Stina Melsom (1) Mariann Melsom (1) Marianne Melsom (1) Mette Melsom (1) Helga Melsom (1) › Me...

Exercise: Melsom, Toralf - Expertscape.com

Medical and scientific articles about Exercise, written by Toralf Melsom

Journaldato: , Journalenhet: sen, jprs, Dokumenttype: I,U ...

Mottaker Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge HF TE Avsender Toralf Melsom nnhold: Søknad og CV - ntensivsykepleier/spesialsykepleier - st. ref. ( ) Tilsettingssak ...

Videreførte tildelinger i Somatisk forskningsprogram (SFP) - PDF...

Videreførte tildelinger i Somatisk forskningsprogram ... Elin Mortensen Ole-Jakob How Lill-Tove Busund Toralf Melsom Christer Einvik Claus Klingenberg Kristin ...

A review. Part 2: Why to measure glomerular filtration rate with ...

von P Delanaye · · Zitiert von: 101 — Pierre Delanaye, Toralf Melsom, Natalie Ebert, Sten Erik Bäck, Christophe Mariat, Etienne Cavalier, Jonas Björk, Anders Christensson, Ulf Nyman, ... › i...

Additional file 1: of Blood pressure and age-related GFR ...

... Trond Jenssen Ulla Mathisen Jørgen Schei Marit Solbu Tom Wilsgaard Toralf Melsom. Four additional tables (Table S1-S4.) (DOCX 43 kb) ...

Additional file 1: of Blood pressure and age-related GFR decline in...

Additional file 1: of Blood pressure and age-related GFR decline in the general population

An estimated glomerular filtration rate equation for the Mayo Clinic

Hans Pottel, Liesbeth Hoste, Laurence Dubourg, Natalie Ebert, Elke Schaeffner, Bjørn Odvar Eriksen, Toralf Melsom, Edmund J. Lamb, Andrew D. Rule, ... › fingerprints

CKD: A Call for an Age-Adapted Definition — Amsterdam UMC -...

... Olafur S. Indridason, Marco van Londen, Christophe Mariat, Toralf Melsom, Olivier Moranne, Gunnar Nordin, Runolfur Palsson, Hans Pottel, Andrew D. Rule, ...

CKD: A Call for an Age-Adapted Definition

von P Delanaye · · Zitiert von: 132 — Toralf Melsom 6 Olivier Moranne 15, 16 Gunnar Nordin Runolfur Palsson 11, 17 Hans Pottel 18 Andrew Rule 19 Elke Schaeffner 9, 20, 21 Maarten Taal › ha...


Toralf Melsom, of the Department of Nephrology at University Hospital of North Norway, and colleagues publish their findings in the American Journal of Kidney ... › ...

Dette er ingen familietur! | Frikjøring ski | FRIFLYT.NO

12 disipler, 12 edsvorne menn, Jacobs 12 sønner, årets 12 måneder, 12 monkeys. 12 middelaldrende, utdannede, verbale og småfrekke familiefedre. Alle med...

Chronic Kidney Disease: call for an age-adapted definition

von P Delanaye · · Zitiert von: 133 — Toralf Melsom. Olivier Moranne. Gunnar Nordin. Runolfur Palsson. Hans Pottel. Andrew D. Rule. Elke Schaeffner. Profile Image. › ...

CoCites: A citation-based method for searching scientific literature

External validation of the Berlin equations for estimation of GFR in the elderly Natalie Ebert, Elke Schaeffner, Bjørn Odvar Eriksen, Toralf Melsom, ... › sharedCitingArticles

Comparability of Plasma Iohexol Clearance Across Arctic Health

Author: Bjørn O Eriksen · Elke Schaeffner · Toralf Melsom · Natalie Ebert ... n=805), the Berlin Initiative Study (BIS, n=570), and the Renal Iohexol ... › permalink › ahliterature

Association of TNF Receptor 2 and CRP with GFR Decline in the General...

Jørgen Schei, Vidar Tor Nyborg Stefansson, Bjørn Odvar Eriksen, Trond Geir Jenssen, Marit Dahl Solbu, Tom Wilsgaard, Toralf Melsom. Clinical Journal of the ...

Central obesity associates with renal hyperfiltration in the...

Central obesity associates with renal hyperfiltration in the non-diabetic general population: a cross-sectional study

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Toralf

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Toralf; Altnordisch (Zweigliedriger Name); thorr = der Donner, der Donnergott, Thor; alfr = der Elf; alter skandinavischer zweigliedriger Name

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