332 Infos zu Nikolai Nelles

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39 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Heise.de: 3D-Raub der Nofretete: Eine unglaubhafte Geschichte | heise online

Mit einer vor den Bauch geschnallten Kinect will ein Künstlerduo die weltberühmte Büste im Neuen Museum in Berlin heimlich dreidimensional gescannt haben. Die...

Spiegel.de: "We Refugees" - Flüchtlinge zeigen eigene Fotos - DER SPIEGEL

Was erleben Menschen, die ihre Heimat verlassen müssen, auf der Flucht? Zwei Künstler haben Fotos gesammelt, die Flüchtlinge unterwegs gemacht haben - und die...

Taz: Ausstellung „Not A Single Bone“ in Berlin: Der Knochenklau - taz.de

Die Künstler Jan Nikolai Nelles und Nora al-Badri wollen Versäumnisse in der Berliner Provenienzforschung aufzeigen. Gelingt das auch?

Tracks - ONE | programm.ARD.de

Heute dabei: Museumshacker in Aktion: Nora Al-Badri und Nikolai Nelles haben Nofretete befreit, zumindest mit digitalem Kunstraub viel Staub aufgewirbelt. Für...

78  Bilder zu Nikolai Nelles

Bild zu Nikolai Nelles
Bild zu Nikolai Nelles
Bild zu Nikolai Nelles
Bild zu Nikolai Nelles
Bild zu Nikolai Nelles
Bild zu Nikolai Nelles

13 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Gray Area - Nora Al-Badri and Jan Nikolai Nelles on Facebookwww.facebook.com › GrayArea › videos › nora-al-...

Facebook: Nikolai Nelles | Facebook

LinkedIn: Jan Nikolai Nelles | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Jan Nikolai Nelles (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist ... Education. The Offenbach University of Art and Design ... Es fehlt: pennsylvania

LinkedIn: Jan Nikolai Nelles | LinkedIn

Jan Nikolai Nelles' berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Jan Nikolai Nelles dabei ...

4 Hobbys & Interessen

WE REFUGEES - Nora Al-Badri und Jan Nikolai Nelles mit ...

Jan Nikolai Nelles | ArtSlant

ArtSlant profile for contemporary artist Jan Nikolai Nelles. ArtSlant is the #1 Contemporary Art Network with comprehensive information on artists and events  ...

Der Nofretete-Hack – zwei Künstler haben die ägyptische Königin...

Zwei deutsche Künstler haben die Büste der Nofretete heimlich im Neuen Museum Berlin eingescannt und als 3D-Modell online gestellt.

Jan Nikolai Nelles - Musikexpresswww.musikexpress.de › tag › jan-nikolai-nelles

Jan Nikolai NellesNews, Kritiken, Songs, Alben, Streams und mehr... Eine unvollständige Übersicht der verstorbenen Persönlichkeiten aus Musik, Film, ...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

3D Scanning the Ancient World – Ancient History et cetera

3D printing is a wonderful tool for bringing the past to life, but 3D scanning is just as important to public history.

4 Projekte

As the Restitution Debate Rages on in Europe, Could the Solution Lie...

What role could technology play in advancing the conversation surrounding restitution in Europe and beyond?

Abandon Normal Devices - Jerwood Arts

Jerwood Arts presents new commissions by artists from across the UK in ... Simone Niquille, Nora Al-Badri, Jan Nikolai Nelles, Thomas Thwaites, and Shift ...

Artists Create 3-D Scan of Nefertiti Bust - artnet News

Two artists secretly created a 3-D scan of the famous bust of Queen Nefertiti and produced a replica for a Cairo museum and a downloadable 3-D scan.

State Machines » The Other Nefertitiwww.statemachines.eu › projects › the-other-nefertiti

The Other Nefertiti is an artistic intervention by German artists Nora Al-Badri and Jan Nikolai Nelles. In August 2015, Al-Badri and Nelles scanned the head of ...

7 Bücher zum Namen

Rüdiger Dingemann - Die lasche Truppe der Demokratie -...

Rüdiger Dingemann: Medienticker-Archiv vom

Das Naturkundemuesum und die Postkolonialismus-Debatte. Olivier Roy...

Gemeinsam geteilte Selbstverständlichkeiten Rundblick durch die Feuilletondebatten. Wochentags um 9 Uhr, sonnabends um 10 Uhr.

Museum Object Lessons for the Digital Age - UCL Digital Press

Nora Al- Badri and Jan Nikolai Nelles. Reproduced with permission. Questions of authenticity of the data, of museum sovereignty, of distribution and access ...

Museum Object Lessons for the Digital Age - Haidy Geismar - Google...

'The okapi diorama holds a secret unknown to most visitors References cited Al-Badri, Nora, and Jan Nikolai Nelles NOTES 125.

1 Songs & Musik

Full text of "The 3D Additivist Cookbook & Archive (2017)"

... Habitual Interruption Nano Entity Collective Notes on the Species Diversity of Artificial Objects Nicholas O'Brien Nefertiti Hack Nora Al-Badri and Nikolai Nelles THX D scanning: Dr. Leore Grosman's digital lab at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem's Institute of Archaeology 3D printing: Stratasys/Objet Photography: Moti ...

3 Dokumente

Access & The Digital Surrogate: Openness as a Philosophywww.slideshare.net › AndreaWallace21 › access-the-digital-surrogate-open...

Michel Urtado,2014 DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPH T H E S U R R O G AT E Unknown, ... Nicolas Maigret, Christopher Meerdo, Jan Nikolai Nelles & Nora Al- Badri, ...

The Influencers | Activities | CCCBwww.cccb.org › activities › file › the-influencers-2017

Unknown Fields Division (Kate Davies & Liam Young) · Nora Al-Badri & Nikolai Nelles · Alice Marwick · Adrian Chen · Daniel Keller · Vladan Joler · Hasan Elahi · Amy ...

Información general - Universidad de Alicante

focus on publishing in scientific journals, I will share some insights amplié en mi TFM en la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona bajo la Sons, Inc Nora Al-Badri y Jan Nikolai Nelles realizaron el proyecto Nefertiti.

4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Postcolonial Digital Connections - Proceedings

Postcolonial Digital Connections, workshop convened in May by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Regional Studies and University College London Anthropology...

Nefertiti for everyone: returning Egyptâ?Ts cultural history with the...

Nefertitiâ?Ts 3,300-year-old bust is one of the most famous artefacts of the Ancient Egyptian world. But to join the million-odd tourists who visit the statue...

The Other Nefertiti — Science Gallery Dublindublin.sciencegallery.com › fake-exhibits › the-othe...

· Nora Al-Badri and Jan Nikolai Nelles (IQ & DE). The Nefertiti Bust is an ancient Egyptian sculpture discovered by a German archaeological ...

Le buste de Néfertiti au coeur d'une guérilla artistique - Sciences...

2 artistes ont scanné le buste de la souveraine égyptienne et offrent en ligne les données pour que chacun puisse en réaliser une impression 3D.

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Conversation Piece: Disciplining the Digital | Article index | Articles ...www.britishartstudies.ac.uk › end-date › search › article-category › look-first

... especially where it is otherwise unknown or inaccessible bust by Nora Al-Badri and Jan Nikolai Nelles demonstrate how private individuals have ...

Nefertiti Hack 3 D : Nora Al-Badri & Jan Nikolai Nelles : Free...

From today on everybody around the world can access, study, print or remix a 3D dataset of Nefertitis head in high resolution. This data is accessible under...

Not A Single Bone by Nora Al-Badri and Jan Nikolai Nelles by Nome -...

Read Not A Single Bone by Nora Al-Badri and Jan Nikolai Nelles by Nome on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. Start h...

2018 – AkiWiki

Nora Al-Badri and Nikolai Nelles | Alexander Burgess | Hussein Chalayan | Matthew Clarke | Joyce Clissold | Carole Collet | Sarah Craske, Dr Simon Park and Dr Charlotte Sleigh | Matthew Darbyshire | Rosemary House http://www. garfield.library.upenn.edu/ via https://infobib.de eugene-garfield

23 Meinungen & Artikel


The artists Nora Al-Badri and Nikolai Nelles talk about a museum as a participatory forest in Tanzania and their current exhibition “Not a Single Bone ...

Nora Al-Badri | Nikolai Nelles | Zérodeux / 02www.zerodeux.fr › interviews-en › nora-al-badri-ni...

Nora Al-Badri | Nikolai Nelles. by Aude Launay. While the European press shouts itself hoarse about the French president's recent declarations to do ...

Interview Nora Al-Badri e Jan Nikolai Nelles - Arshake

· Arshake is pleased to publish the interview to Nora Al-Badri and Jan Nikolai Nelles, authors of Fossil Futures, which results from research ...

Keyword: nefertiti

Jan Nikolai Nelles and Nora Al-Badri, two artists, made headlines last month for Although Nefertari's family background is unknown, the discovery of an ...

149 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Illicit 3D scans of Nefertiti bust raise questions about digital artautos.yahoo.com › ...

· Artists Nora Al-Badri and Jan Nikolai Nelles released a 3D model based on the bust of Nefertiti to the Internet, alongside a video of them ...

Illicit 3D scans of Nefertiti bust raise questions about digital art - Yahoo

Artists Nora Al-Badri and Jan Nikolai Nelles released a 3D model based on the bust of Nefertiti to the Internet, alongside a video of them purportedly ... the 3D model — and their findings seem to suggest that the scan might not have been carried out in the way Al-Badri and Nelles are claiming that it was.

Intervista a Nora Al-Badri e Jan Nikolai Nelles - Arshake

Arshake ha il piacere di pubblicare l'intervista a Nora Al-Badri and Jan Nikolai Nelles, autori di Fossil Futures, risultato di una ricerca (fondata da Haus der Kulturen der Welt) presso Tendaguru Beds in Tanzania, una ex-colonia tedesca dove sono stati effettuati scavi di ossa di dinosauro durante l'era ...

Nora Al-Badri + Nikolai Nelles – Not a Single Bone | Event | Kreuzberg

Nora Al-Badri + Nikolai Nelles – Not a Single Bone im Kreuzberg, NOME Gallery, Freitag, 08. September Opening: 8 September 2017, 18:00 9 September –

Jan Nikolai Nelles - Galerie Nordwebsite.kunstverein-tiergarten.de › artists › jan-nikolai-nelles

Jan Nikolai Nelles. Beitrags-Navigation. Nora Al-Badri · Gleb Bas · KONTAKT Galerie Nord | Kunstverein Tiergarten – Berlin

Jan Nikolai Nelles | CreativeApplications.Netwww.creativeapplications.net/tag/jan-nikolai-nelles/

All articles tagged: Jan Nikolai Nelles ... Kuva in Bristol/UK are looking for a talented Senior Creative Coder to lead their expanding creative dev ...

Not a Single Bone: Nora Al-Badri & Nikolai Nelles | Bpigs

NOME is pleased to announce the first solo show by Nora Al-Badri and Nikolai Nelles, Not a Single Bone, which will be opened on 8 September The project Not a ...

Jan Nikolai Nelles - Gray Areagrayarea.org › community-entry › jan-nikolai-nelles

Jan Nikolai Nelles (b , Germany) is a multi-disciplinary artist. His artistic practice oscillates between different fields such as visual and media art, ...

Jan Nikolai Nelles - Ultime notizie su Jan Nikolai Nelles -...

Jan Nikolai Nelles - Ultime notizie su Jan Nikolai Nelles - Argomenti del Sole 24 Ore

Jan Nikolai Nelles Archives - AMARNA:3D

In October two German artists, Nora Al-Badri and Jan Nikolai Nelles, entered the Neues Museum Berlin and covertly scanned the famous ...

Jan Nikolai Nelles | Sensorium Festival sensorium.is › speakers › jan-nikolai-nelles

Jan Nikolai Nelles is a German multi-disciplinary artist, graduating from Offenbach University of Art and Design in who collaborates with Nora Al-​Badri ...

Jan Nikolai Nelles

Actu Jan Nikolai Nelles. art | EXPO 23 Sep Jan 2018Indexmakers. Nora Al-Badri. Le 19, Crac Montbéliard Alfred Palestra, performance, Katarina Sevic & Tehnica Schweiz ...

www.Oszilat.de - Jan Nikolai Nelles

In Deutschland, rangiert Oszilat.de , mit geschätzten < 300 Besuchern im Monat. Klicken Sie hier um mehr Informationen zu dieser Webseite zu...

jan nikolai nelles Arşivleri | Arkeofili

... büstü, iki sanatçı tarafından gizlice taranarak 3 boyutlu hale çevrildi. Sanatçılar Nora Al-Badri ve Jan Nikolai Nelles Berlin Müzesi'ne normal.

Jan Nikolai Nelles Artist | Art for Sale | Biography, Past and Future...

Jan Nikolai Nelles: 2 exhibitions from Jul Dec 2011, exhibition venues worldwide of artist Jan Nikolai Nelles, Exhibition History, Summary of artist ...

Nora Al-Badri / Jan Nikolai Nelles: Robo Polke - Hartware ...www.hmkv.de › hmkv-video-des-monats › hmkv-video-des-monats-details

Nora Al-Badri / Jan Nikolai Nelles: Robo Polke. HMKV Video des Monats. Zu sehen vom 1. – 30. Juni „Höhere Wesen befahlen: rechte obere Ecke ...

Nora Al-Badri and Jan Nikolai Nelles with the 3D... | Bufflehead Cabin

Nora Al-Badri and Jan Nikolai Nelles with the 3D bust in Cairo Last October, two artists entered the Neues Museum in Berlin, where they clandestinely scanned...

Nikolai Nelles | 爱范儿

Content tagged with Nikolai Nelles.

Nora Al-Badri & Jan Nikolai Nelles - Evidentiary Realism

Jan Nikolai Nelles (b , Germany) is a multi-disciplinary artist. His artistic practice oscillates between different fields such as visual and media art, documentary film-making and cultural activism. He graduated from Offenbach University of Art and Design in In the past he founded an independent project space in ... Termes manquants : pennsylvania

Nora Al-Badri & Jan Nikolai Nelles | Artist Bio and Art for Sale |...

Nora Al-Badri & Jan Nikolai Nelles biography and art for sale. Buy art at exclusive members only pricing at the leading online contemporary art marketplace.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Nikolai

Männlicher Vorname (Russisch): Nikolai; Sieg des Volkes; Altgriechisch (Päpste); nike = der Sieg; laos = das Volk; bekanntgeworden durch den Namen des hl. Nikolaus, im 4. Jh. Bischof von Myra; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen Nikolaus

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Nelles

gleichberechtigung kommt aus frankreich belgien

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Nikolai Nelles & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Nikolai Nelles und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.