167 Infos zu Mato Knez

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27 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Mit Hilfe von Metallionen: Spinnenseide noch reißfester - n-tv.de

Forschern aus Halle ist es gelungen, die hauchdünne Spinnenseide mit dem Zusatz von Metallen deutlich reißfester und dehnbarer zu machen. Dazu wurden dem...

Physikalisches Kolloquium SS11 | Universität Tübingen

NZZ: Geheimnis um Spiderman's Seide ist gelöst | NZZ

Alles fing mit einem schmerzhaften Piksen an. Peter Parker – besser bekannt als Spiderman – verdankt seine ungeheure Kraft und Wendigkeit dem Biss einer...

Forscher machen Spinnenseide reißfester - ORF ON Science

Auf dieses Weise ließen sich laut dem Team rund um Mato Knez vom Max- Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik möglicherweise auch andere natürliche wie ...

3  Bilder zu Mato Knez

Bild zu Mato Knez
Bild zu Mato Knez
Bild zu Mato Knez

14 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Mato Knez from CIC NanoGUNE Consolidator in Spain will ...

LinkedIn: Mato Knez | LinkedIn

Ver el perfil profesional de Mato Knez en LinkedIn. LinkedIn es la red de negocios más grande del mundo que ayuda a profesionales como Mato Knez a ...

LinkedIn: Mato Knez - Advisor & Consultant - CTECHnano | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Mato Knez auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 8 Jobs sind im Profil von Mato Knez aufgelistet. Sehen Sie ...

LinkedIn: Mato Knez | LinkedIn

Mato Knez' berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Mato Knez dabei hilft, interne ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Action MP COST

Spain, Prof Mato KNEZ. Sweden, Dr Henrik PEDERSEN. Sweden, Prof Mats BOMAN. Switzerland, Dr Ivo UTKE. Switzerland, □ Prof Patrik HOFFMANN.

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Contact Mato Knez from CIC nanoGUNE | HYCOAT

You can send Mato Knez from CIC nanoGUNE a message using the contact form below. Please note that this form should not be used for job applications.

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Alumni | Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics

With this Alumni page we want to foster scientific exchange between current and previous coworkers of the ... Prof. Mato Knez. Research Professor and Group Leader.

1 Projekte

International Max Planck Research School for Science and ...

Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Scientific Coordinator PD Dr. Arthur Ernst Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics ... Dr. Mato Knez;

19 Bücher zum Namen

Atomic Layer Deposition of Nanostructured Materials von Nicola Pinna,...

Kaufen Sie das Buch Atomic Layer Deposition of Nanostructured Materials vom Wiley-VCH als eBook auf ciando.com - dem führenden Portal für elektronische...

Oxford Book Shop

Atomic Layer Deposition of Nanostructured Materials | 1st Edition | Other Nicola Pinna | Mato Knez Wiley Technology & Engineering / Materials Science

Mato Knez | Open Library

Author of Atomic Layer Deposition Of Nanostructured Materials

bokus.com: Atomic Layer Deposition of Nanostructured Materials - Nicola Pinna ...www.bokus.com › bok › atomic-layer-deposition-of...

Pris: kr. Inbunden, Skickas inom vardagar. Köp Atomic Layer Deposition of Nanostructured Materials av Nicola Pinna, Mato Knez på ...

5 Dokumente

Knez, Mato [WorldCat Identities]

The tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) as biological template for nanostructuring by Mato Knez( ) 8 editions published in in English and held by 15 WorldCat ...


Abstract. People: Publications: Functional 3D-Nanostructures by Atomic Layer Deposition Projektleiter: Dr. Mato Knez . Workshop GerALD Sep 22nd to Sep 23rd

Bionanoelectronics: Viruses show their good side - SAO/NASA ADSadsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2006NatNa K

Title: Bionanoelectronics: Viruses show their good side. Authors: Knez, Mato; Gösele, Ulrich. Affiliation: AA(Mato Knez and Ulrich Gösele are at the Max Planck ...

Functionalization of Nanomaterials by Atomic Layer Deposition By Fan ...

Functionalization of Nanomaterials by Atomic Layer Deposition. By Fan Yang. Academic Dissertation. Supervisor: Mato Knez , July. (c)2016 FAN YANG ...

10 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

The impact of uropygial gland secretions on mechanically induced ...publications.rwth-aachen.de › record

· ... Biomimetics, and Bioreplication Raúl J. Martín-Palma, Akhlesh Lakhtakiam, Mato Knez, Editors, Seiten/Artikel-Nr: R

Progress in Materials Science | Vol 75, Pages (January 2016) |...

... and atomic layer deposition: Top down, bottom up, and in-between approaches to new materials. Keith Gregorczyk, Mato Knez. Pages 1-37: Download PDF.

Atomlagenabscheidung (ALD) | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Nanostrukturen beherrschen derzeit die Forschungs- und Entwicklungslandschaft in der Technologie, Medizin und Biologie. Am Max-Planck-Institut für...

Semiconductor Physics | Institute of Physics | Faculty of Natural...

Semiconductor Physics: Semiconductor Physics

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Mato Knez - SPIEspie.org › profile › Mato.Knez-9079

SPIE Profile of Mato Knez, CIC nanoGUNE. SPIE Profiles is a networking platform for optics and photonics professionals.

Iridium wire grid polarizer fabricated using atomic layer deposition...

In this work, an effective multistep process toward fabrication of an iridium wire grid polarizer for UV applications involving a frequency doubling process...

Ferritin-Mediated siRNA Delivery and Gene Silencing in Biodonostia

Ferritin-Mediated siRNA Delivery and Gene Silencing in Human Tumor and Primary. Cells. Le Li, Maider Muñoz Culla, Unai Carmona, Maria Paz Lopez, Fan Yang, Cesar. Triguero, David Otaegui, Lianbing Zhang, Mato Knez. PII: S (16) DOI: j.biomaterials

Design of active and stable oxygen reduction reaction catalysts by...

· Fan Yang, Chaoqiu Chen, Weike Wang, Le Li, Andrey Chuvilin & Mato Knez. Centro de Física de Materials CFM/MPC (CSIC-UPV/EHU), Paseo ...

7 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Gaede-Preis – Wikipedia

Der Gaede-Preis, gestiftet von dem Kölner Unternehmer Manfred Dunkel und gefördert durch ... Zweidimensionale Elektronengase mit starker Spin-Bahn-Aufspaltung; Mato Knez – Herstellung von Nano- und Hybridmaterialien mittels ...

Structural analysis and mapping of individual protein complexes by...

Mid-infrared spectroscopy offers important chemical and structural information about biological samples but diffraction prevents nanoscale studies. Amenabar...

BALD Engineering - Born in Finland, Born to ALD: Top down, bottom up,...

A highly interesting review by Keith Gregorczyk and Mato Knez on Top down, bottom up, and in-between approaches to new materials by ALD and MLD.

Ultrasensitive and label-free molecular-level detection enabled by...

Ferromagnetic nanoantennas support plasmons and exhibit magneto-optical activity under external magnetic fields. Maccaferri et al. show how designed phase...

73 Webfunde aus dem Netz

CVD & ALD - ppt video online download

CVD & ALD Chemical Vapor Deposition CVD Atomic Layer Deposition ALD Alternatives to PVD, but only partially. Major uses: -optical fiber fabrication...

Mato Knez - Osmrtnice.hr

U dubokoj boli javljamo svim rođacima, prijateljima i znancima tužnu vijest da je gospodin MATO Knez preminuo u nedjeljuu 79. godini života.

Knez - Names Encyclopedia

Mato Knez (2) Milan Knez (2) Mile Knez (2) Darija Knez (2) Dino Knez (2) Domagoj Knez (2) Matea Knez (2) Helena Knez (2) Ivana Knez (2) Davor Knez (2) Dinko Knez (2)

Search results for Mato Knez

www.everytext.com/gp/show_results.php?search_term...‎ Im Cache All the books related to the search term: Mato Knez are displayed.

Mato Knez | Ikerbasque - Basque Foundation for Science

Mato Knez, Nanomaterials (synthesis and properties), Materials science, Thin film coatings, Atomic Layer Depostion (ALD) and bio-inorganic and organic- inorganic hybrid materials.

Mato Knez, new nanoGUNE Nanomaterials Group Leader | CIC nanoGUNE

He developed his PhD at the Max Planck Institute FKF Stuttgart and at the University of Ulm between and He then moved to a post-doc position at the...

Mato Knez | inospin

Inospin logo. Join now Login · About Inospin · Contact us · Profile picture of Mato Knez. Mato Knez. Expert Global citimpact: Professor at CIC nanoGUNE.

Prof Mato Knez loeng-seminar “Functional hybrid materials by atomic...

Prof Mato Knez (CIC nanoGUNE, San Sebastian, Hispaania) peab loeng- seminari kolmapäeval, 6. detsembril algusega TÜ ...

Mato Knez: "Nanomaterials with practical applications in the Basque...

What it is not so known is that CIC nanoGUNE, in San Sebastián, is studying some of the technologies that will make these and other applications possible in...

Mato Knez : tous les produits | fnacwww.fnac.com › Mato-Knez

· Mato Knez (Auteur). The World Scientific Reference of Hybrid Materials is a set of 3 volumes, which covers the fascinating area of materials ...

Mato Knez

Search results for: Mato Knez ... Gyeong-Man Kim, Seung-Mo Lee, Mato Knez, Paul Simon · Thin Solid Films > > 562 > Complete > Free- standing ...

Seminar by Prof. h.c. Dr. Mato Knez - Chemical Engineering Facultychemeng.technion.ac.il › seminar-by-prof-h-c-dr-m...

| 13:30. Seminar by Prof. h.c. Dr. Mato Knez on: Atomic Layer Processing: A toolbox for fabricating novel functional hybrid materials. Online seminar ...


MATO KNEZ. NN ( ), MATO KNEZ. KNEZ MATO osobna iskaznica br izdana od PU Split ...

Alumni | Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik

Prof. Mato Knez. Research Professor and Group Leader. . CIC nanoGUNE, San Sebastian, Spain. http://www.nanogune.eu/nanomaterials.

Atomic Layer Deposition of Nanostructured Materials - ISBN:...

Atomic Layer Deposition of Nanostructured Materials - ISBN: (ebook) - von Nicola Pinna, Mato Knez, Verlag: Wiley-VCH

CICECO » Mato Knez

Created in at the University of Aveiro, Portugal,with the mission of developing the scientific and technological knowledge necessary for the innovative...

KIT - IMT - Research Groups - Hölscher WE-Heraeus-Seminar

Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Seminar. Bio-inspired, ... Prof. Dr. Mato Knez: CIC nanoGUNE, Tolosa Hiribidea 76, E– Donostia – San Sebastian, Spanien,

NanoFutur : Prix pour les jeunes talents en nanotechnologie - Voyages...

Mato Knez (MPI fur Mikrostrukturphysik, Halle) D r. Max Christian Lemme (AMO GmbH, Aachen) Sensorik D r. Jozsef Fortagh (Universitat Tubingen, Physikalisches ...

Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft

... •Juergen Sotrop, Jan Winter, Heinz P. Huber, Stephan Borek, and Jan Minar ... Mato Knez, Valeria Samsoninkova, Felix Hanßke, Hans Börner, Peter Fratzl, ...

PhD Theses | Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research

PhD Theses. 1. Elmar Hahn Structure and reactivity of vicinal Pt and low-index Cu/Pd surfaces EPFL (1994) Mato Knez The tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Mato

mato heißt im italienischen( Verückt )und in grichischen heißt es (liebevoll)

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Knez

Knez bedeutet Fürst.

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Mato Knez und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.