48 Infos zu Judith Prommer

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3 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Spiegel.de: Absolventenkongress: Volldampf trotz Flaute - DER SPIEGEL

In Köln läuft derzeit die größte Bewerbermesse Europas. Trotz der schlechten Wirtschaftslage bieten dort über 300 Unternehmen rund offene Stellen für...

Biochar improves crop growth and climate

Judith Prommer et al. Biochar Decelerates Soil Organic Nitrogen Cycling but Stimulates Soil Nitrification in a Temperate Arable Field Trial, ...

Volldampf trotz Flaute | deutschlandfunk.de

In der Messe Köln findet vom November die nach Angaben der Veranstalter größte Bewerbermesse Europas statt: der Absolventenkongress Trotz der...

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Judith Prommer | Facebook

LinkedIn: Judith Prommer | LinkedIn

Judith Prommers berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Judith Prommer dabei ...

LinkedIn: Judith Prommer - 科研项目的同事- 维也纳大学| 领英 - LinkedIn

上领英,在全球领先职业社交平台查看Judith Prommer的职业档案。Judith的职业档案列出了1 个职位。查看Judith的完整档案,结识职场人脉和查看相似公司的职位。

Mag. Judith Prommer - Terrestrial Ecosystem Researchter.csb.univie.ac.at › people › judith-prommer-0

Judith Prommer. Technician. University of Vienna. Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science. Division of Terrestrial Ecosystem Research.

5 Bücher zum Namen

Judith Prommer | XanEdu Customization Platform

Author: Judith Prommer. Results. Endogenous nitric oxide generation in protoplast chloroplasts Springer Science+Business Media

GLORIA — GEOMAR Library Ocean Research Information Access

William Ross Hunter, Robert Niederdorfer, Anna Gernand, Bart Veuger, Judith Prommer, Maria Mooshammer, Wolfgang Wanek, Tom J Battin. Wiley-Blackwell.

PLOS ONE: Biochar Decelerates Soil Organic Nitrogen Cycling but...

Judith Prommer. Affiliation Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. Wolfgang Wanek.

Rhizosphere Functioning and Structural Development as Complex ...

... Werner Mayerhofer, Raphael Gabriel, Julia Wiesenbauer, Victoria Martin, Qing Zheng, Bruna Imai, Judith Prommer, Marieluise Weidinger, Peter Schweiger, ...

3 Dokumente

12 Stable Isotope Network Austria (SINA) Meetingwww.sina.or.at › sites › files › SINA_Programm_2013

14:50 – 15:10 Wolfgang Wanek and Judith Prommer (Division of Terrestrial Ecosystem Research,. University of Vienna): Isotopic composition ...


Andreas Richter and Judith Prommer came and sampled soil in GN and GO for a metatranscriptome study. • July Aug 5, Steven Dauwe, Jennifer Soong, ...

1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

12thStable Isotope Network Austria Meeting

Wolfgang Wanek and Judith Prommer. Isotopic composition of soluble organic N: an important player in soil N cycling. Claudia Wrozyna ...

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Judith Prommer | PubFacts

Judith Prommer

Endogenous nitric oxide generation in protoplast chloroplasts |...

NO generation is studied in the protoplast chloroplasts. NO, ONOO −

Stephanie A Eichorst | PubFacts

Stephanie A Eichorst

Endogenous nitric oxide generation in protoplast chloroplasts |...

(1) (2); Judith Prommer (2); Masami Watanabe · -u.jp (1). Author Affiliations. 1. Laboratory of Plant Nutrition, Faculty ...

23 Webfunde aus dem Netz

CO Meeting Organizer EGU2016

Wolfgang Wanek, Judith Prommer, and Florian Hofhansl: 16:15–16:30 EGU Co-denitrification an

Challenges in measuring nitrogen isotope signatures in inorganic ...pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...

von C Biasi · — Christina Biasi , Simo Jokinen , Judith Prommer , Per Ambus , Peter Dörsch , Longfei Yu , Steve Granger , Pascal Boeckx , Katja Van Nieuland , Nicolas ...

12 th Stable Isotope Network Austria Meeting - PDF Free Download

player in soil N cycling Wolfgang Wanek 1 and Judith Prommer 1 1 Division of ...

Prommer - Names Encyclopedia

Judith Prommer (1) Armin Prommer (1) Klara Prommer (1) Karl Prommer (1) Ingeborg Prommer (1) Christoph Prommer (1) David Prommer (1) Dolores Prommer (1) Eveline ...

[PDF] Biochar Decelerates Soil Organic Nitrogen Cycling but...

Nitrification in a Temperate Arable Field Trial. Judith Prommer, Wolfgang Wanek, +8 ...

Biochar Decelerates Soil Organic Nitrogen Cycling but Stimulates Soil...

Nitrification in a Temperate Arable Field Trial. Judith Prommer,. Affiliation ...

JESIUM (( Joint European Stable Isotope Users Group Meeting...

variation Christina Biasi, Simo Jokinen, Judith Prommer, Per Ambus 3, Peter Dörsch 4, ...

Trainer & Betreuer - F-U17 - Saison Mannschaften

Trainer & Betreuer | AKA St Pölten NÖ U17

Biochar Decelerates Soil Organic Nitrogen Cycling but Stimulates Soil...

includes Biochar Decelerates Soil Organic Nitrogen Cycling but S by Judith Prommer, Wolfgang Wanek, Florian. Click to explore.

Endogenous nitric oxide generation in protoplast chloroplasts - PubAg


Figure 5 from Biochar Decelerates Soil Organic Nitrogen Cycling but...

Judith Prommer, Wolfgang Wanek, +8 authors Rebecca Clare Hood-Nowotny; Published in PloS one 2014; DOI: journal.pone Biochar ...

Geosciences | Free Full-Text | The Impact of Biochar Incorporation...

Field studies of biochar addition to soil and nutrient cycling using 15N fertilizers in temperate agriculture are scant. These data are required in order to...

MINUTES. FORHOT 6th formal project meeting at University of Vienna,...

Andreas Richter Dr. Tom Walker (post-doc) Judith Prommer (PhD student 2017) Dr. Anne Daebeleer (post-doc) Univ. of Innsbruck - Austria Prof. Michael Bahn ...

Metabolism of mineral-sorbed organic matter depends upon microbial...

author = "Hunter, {William Ross} and Robert Niederdorfer and Anna Gernand and Bart Veuger and Judith Prommer and Maria Mooshammer and Wolfgang ...

Endogenous nitric oxide generation in protoplast chloroplasts

Judith Prommer. University of Vienna, Department of Terrestrial Ecosystem Research, Faculty of Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria ...

Overview of the agricultural soil N cycle.

Overview of the agricultural soil N cycle.

Soil properties in control (NPK) and biochar-treated (BC3N) soils of...

T03:05:06Z (GMT) by Judith Prommer Wolfgang Wanek Florian Hofhansl Daniela Trojan Pierre Offre Tim Urich Christa Schleper Stefan Sassmann ...

Peter Berg, 1980, Peter Berg

7 William Ross Hunter , Robert Niederdorfer , Anna Gernand , Bart Veuger , Judith Prommer , Maria Mooshammer , Wolfgang Wanek , Tom J Battin , Metabolism ...

Organo-mineral complexation alters carbon and nitrogen cycling in...

author = "Hunter, {William Ross} and Wolfgang Wanek and Judith Prommer and Maria Mooshammer and Tom Battin",. year = "2014",. volume = "16",. booktitle ...

Sydex.net: People Search | Andrew Boyer, Jeff Burkhart, oksana dmytryk

People search: find Photos, Location, Education, Job!

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Judith

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch): Judith; Frau aus Jehud; Jüdin; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); die Bedeutung 'Frau aus Jehud' bezieht sich auf die Stadt Jehud in Israel; der Name könnte auch 'Angehörige des Stammes Juda' und damit 'Jüdin' bedeutet haben; in der Bibel ist Judith eine der Frauen von Esau; unter den apokryphen Schriften gibt es zudem ein Buch 'Judith'

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