64 Infos zu Ilona Dunkel

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Ein molekularer Schalter für das X-Chromosom – Innovations Report

Verena Mutzel, Ikuhiro Okamoto, Ilona Dunkel, Mitinori Saitou, Luca Giorgetti, Edith Heard, Edda G. Schulz A symmetric toggle switch explains ...

1  Bilder zu Ilona Dunkel

Ilona Dunkel

7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Ilona Dunkel aus Krefeld-Oppum

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berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Ilona Dunkel dabei hilft,  ...

1 Firmen-Beteiligungen

Vorstand – WasserSportClub Klare Lanke e.V.

Sportwart: Adrian Fischer: : Segelwart: Boromir Fischer: : Wanderwart: Ilona Dunkel:

1 Business-Profile

patentbuddy: Ilona Dunkel


2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

People | Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics

People. Allumni. Publications. Join us. Lab-Events. Group Leader Dr. Edda G. Schulz. Regulatory Networks ... Ilona Dunkel. Technician. Phone: + Fax ...

PHF13 is a molecular reader and transcriptional co-regulator of...

... Staege and Tobias Schubert and Chuanbing Bian and Ilona Dunkel and Anton Eberharter and Catherine Regnard and Henrike Klinker and David Meierhofer ...

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Ilona Dunkel Namen Analyse

DeuNamen.com - Ilona Dunkel Namen Analyse und statistische für Deutschland und Österreich

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

classmates: Ilona Dunkel, Class of York Humber High School - Classmates

Classmates.com. Get caught up with Ilona Dunkel and other high school alumni ...

4 Bücher zum Namen

Search Results

An international, peer-reviewed genome sciences journal featuring outstanding original research that offers novel insights into the biology of all organisms

PHF13 is a molecular reader and transcriptional co-regulator of...

Ilona Dunkel. Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany. Competing interests. The authors declare that no competing interests exist.

PLOS ONE: The Effect of Micrococcal Nuclease Digestion on Nucleosome...

Ilona Dunkel ,. Affiliation: Group Cardiovascular Genetics, Department of Vertebrate Genomics, MPI für Molekulare Genetik, Berlin, Germany. ⨯. Franziska Heise ...

5 Dokumente

Evaluation of the LightCycler® Instrument for high-throughput ...

real-time PCRq. Jenny Schlesinger a, Martje Tönjes a, Markus Schueler a,b, Qin Zhang a, Ilona Dunkel a, Silke R. Sperling a,* a Group Cardiovascular Genetics, Department of Vertebrate Genomics, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics,  ...

EBSCOhost | | Comparative DNA methylation and gene...

... analysis identifies novel genes for structural congenital heart diseases. Marcel Grunert. 1,2. , Cornelia Dorn. 1,2,3. , Huanhuan Cui. 1,3. , Ilona Dunkel. 2.

Complex probes for high-throughput parallel genetic mapping of...

Heinz Himmelbauer, Ilona Dunkel, Georg W. Otto, Carola Burgtorf, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Hans Lehrach. Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics, Ihnestr.

Page 1 Crystallographic Studies on The Large Ribosomal Subunits ...

Miriam. Leschrever, Gabi Idan, Irit Sagi, Volker Weinrich, Petra Baruch, Fransois Franceschi, Carola glotz, Ute Evers, Susane Meyer, Gezine Thomas, Christiana Radzwill, Ilona Dunkel, Jutta Piefke,. Jutta Mussig, Christiane Paulke and Renate  ...

2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

In pursuit of the causes of cardiac hypertrophy: Molecular signaling...

Specific genes are responsible for determining cell growth and differentiation during the early stages of cardiac development. Reactivation of these genes...

OPUS Würzburg | Phosphorylation of the chromatin remodeling factor...

Huanhuan Cui, Jenny Schlesinger, Sophia Schoenhals, Martje Tonjes, Ilona Dunkel, David Meierhofer, Elena Cano, Kerstin Schulz, Michael F.

6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Ilona Dunkel | PubFacts

Ilona Dunkel

Complex probes for high-throughput parallel genetic mapping of...

We describe a novel approach for the identification and mapping of polymorphic markers. Amplicons are generated by ligation of double-stranded adaptor mole

Publications - Bioinformatics Core Wiki

Ho-Ryun Chung, Chao Xu, Alisa Fuchs, Andreas Mund, Martin Lange, Hannah Staege, Tobias Schubert, Chuanbing Bian, Ilona Dunkel, Anton Eberharter, ...

Publications Authored by Silke Sperling | PubFacts

Marcel Grunert Cornelia Dorn Huanhuan Cui Ilona Dunkel Kerstin Schulz Sophia Schoenhals Wei Sun Felix Berger Wei Chen Silke R Sperling. Cardiovasc Res ...

2 Meinungen & Artikel

reChIP-seq reveals widespread bivalency of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 in...

The combinatorial action of co-localizing chromatin modifications and regulators determines chromatin structure and function. However, identifying...

poetry | Wordsalad

Posts about poetry written by paul baker

26 Webfunde aus dem Netz

DE T2 - Hemmer der aggregation von polyq Google...

Inventors, Gerhard Barnickel, Henning Böttcher, Wofgang Broeker, Ilona Dunkel, Volker c/o Grohmann HEISER, Christian Herhaus, Hans Lehrach, Erich E.

Plant Physiology - Yahoo Groups

Jenny Schlesinger, Markus Schueler, Marcel Grunert, Jenny J. Fischer, Qin Zhang, Tammo Krueger, Martin Lange, Martje Tönjes, Ilona Dunkel, ...

Ilona Dunkel | Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics

Ilona Dunkel. Technician. Otto Warburg Laboratories Schulz lab (030) · dunkel@ Schulz lab. Address. Max Planck Institute for Molecular ...

Ilona Dunkel | Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Genetik

Ilona Dunkel. Technische/r Assistent/in. Otto-Warburg-Laboratorien Schulz Lab (030) · dunkel@ Schulz lab ...

Staff | Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics

Staff List of MPIMG Ilona Dunkel (030) ; dunkel@... Gabriele Eder (030) ; eder@... Sylvia Elliger (030) ; elliger@... Karin Elmenthaler

A symmetric toggle switch explains the onset of random X inactivation...

Verena Mutzel, Ikuhiro Okamoto, Ilona Dunkel, Mitinori Saitou, Luca Giorgetti, Edith Heard, Edda G Schulz. Nature Structural & Molecular ...

Cross Reference Logo Citations to this article as recorded by ...

Jenny Schlesinger, Martje Tönjes, Markus Schueler, Qin Zhang, Ilona Dunkel and Silke R. Sperling. Methods, 2010, 50, S19 DOI: j.ymeth

Front Matter | Self-Perpetuating Structural States in Biology,...

Read chapter Front Matter: Self-Perpetuating Structural States in Biology, Disease, and Genetics...

PLOS Genetics: Publishing science, accelerating research

Jenny Schlesinger, Markus Schueler, Marcel Grunert, Jenny J. Fischer, Qin Zhang, Tammo Krueger, Martin Lange, Martje Tönjes, Ilona Dunkel, Silke R. Sperling.

Nucleosome mapping - PLOS ONE

The Effect of Micrococcal Nuclease Digestion on Nucleosome Positioning Data. Ho-Ryun Chung, Ilona Dunkel, [ ... ], Martin Vingron ...

Katalog - Klub Vss

Ilona Dunkel. 0,1 G ,0 sg. ZG III ,0 G ,5 sg. 20, Obhausen. 0,1 G

Altmetric – Phosphorylation of the chromatin remodeling factor DPF3a...

Huanhuan Cui, Jenny Schlesinger, Sophia Schoenhals, Martje Tönjes, Ilona Dunkel, David Meierhofer, Elena Cano, Kerstin Schulz, Michael F. Berger, Timm ...

October in preprints - the Node

Verena Mutzel, Ikuhiro Okamoto, Ilona Dunkel, Mitinori Saitou, Luca Giorgetti, Edith Heard, Edda G. Schulz. Paternal easiRNAs regulate parental genome dosage in Arabidopsis. German Martinez, Philip Wolff, Zhenxing Wang, Jordi Moreno-Romero, Juan Santos-Gonzalez, Lei Liu Conze, Christopher ...

RECOMB KDBiokdbio.inesc-id.pt › recomb2010

Marcel Grunert, Markus Schueler, Anne-Katrin Emde, Ilona Dunkel and Silke R. Sperling. Analysis and prediction of microRNAs in the human heart based on ...

PLOS Genetics: The Cardiac Transcription Network Modulated by Gata4,...

Ilona Dunkel,; Silke R. Sperling. PLOS. x. Published: February 17, 2011; https://doi.org journal.pgen · Article · Authors · Metrics · Comments ...

Regulation of muscle development by DPF3, a novel histone acetylation...

Martin Lange, Bogac Kaynak, Ulrike B Forster, Martje Tönjes, Jenny J Fischer, Christina Grimm, Jenny Schlesinger, Steffen Just, Ilona Dunkel, Tammo Krueger.

Sportangebote - Kanusport am Großen Wannsee ...www.lsb-berlin.net › sportangebote-details › sportangebot

Ansprechpartner: Sportwart N.N. Wanderwartin Ilona Dunkel Segelwart Boromir Fischer ...

The Cardiac Transcription Network Modulated by Gata4, Mef2a, Nkx2.5,...

The Cardiac Transcription Network Modulated by Gata4, Mef2a, Nkx2.5, Srf, Histone Modifications, and MicroRNAs

Wassersportclub Klare Lanke e.V. | Wasserwandern in Berlinwww.wasserwandern-in-berlin.de › anlegestellen › wass...

Kontaktdaten. Ansprechpartner. Ilona Dunkel. Telefon. + E-Mail. . Website. Wassersportclub Klare Lanke e.V..

Phosphorylation of the chromatin remodeling factor DPF3a induces...

Huanhuan Cui, Jenny Schlesinger, Sophia Schoenhals, Martje Tönjes, Ilona Dunkel, David Meierhofer, Elena Cano, Kerstin Schulz, Michael F ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Ilona

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Ungarisch, Finnisch): Ilona; die Strahlende; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); helene = die Fackel, der Glanz, die Sonnenstrahlen; in der griechischen Mythology ist Helena die Tochter von Zeus und Leda; ihre Entführung war der Grund für den Trojanischen Krieg; der Name 'Helios' des griechischen Sonnengotts hat dieselben Wurzeln

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Dunkel

- mittelhochdeutscher Übername "tunkel, dunkel" -> "dunkel, trübe,

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