23 Infos zu Henning Bergenholtz

Mehr erfahren über Henning Bergenholtz

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Henning Bergenholtz, Leksikografi – professor – AU Career LinkedIn

Se Henning Bergenholtz, Leksikografis profil på LinkedIn – verdens største faglige netværk. Henning har 2 job. job på sin profil. Se hele profilen på LinkedIn, ...

Alle bøger af Henning Bergenholtz - Saxo. Læs Lyt Lev

Leder du efter bøger skrevet af Henning Bergenholtz? SAXO.com har alle dine yndlingsforfattere. Find alle bøger af forfatteren Henning Bergenholtz her.

1 Bücher zum Namen

E-Lexicography: The Internet, Digital Initiatives and Lexicography -...

This book looks at current research and future directions in e-lexicography. Online dictionaries and reference tools are increasingly prevalent in a digitized...

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

gebundenes grammatisches Morphem – Wiktionary

↑ Henning Bergenholtz, Joachim Mugdan: Einführung in die Morphologie. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart/Berlin/Köln/Mainz 1979, Seite 119f. ISBN

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost In the news - Wikipedia

As reported by the Spanish news agency EFE last week, Danish lexicographer Henning Bergenholtz, head of the Center for Lexicography at the Aarhus School ...

18 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Lexicography in the 21st Century: In honour of Henning Bergenholtz |...

This is a state-of-the-art volume on lexicography at the beginning of the 21st century. It also offers proposals for future theoretical and practical work, and...

ATA Nordic Division | Translator Resources in Print and on the...

Eds. Uwe Kaufmann and Henning Bergenholtz. 1st ed. Copenhagen: GEC Gads Forlag, Print. ISBN Hvad kalder de sig på engelsk ...

Adam Kilgarriff bibliography | Sketch Engine

Adam Kilgarriff, founder of Sketch Engine, and his structured bibliography.


... Niño Amo, Angel de los Rios Rodicio, Angeles Sastre Ruano, Sven Tarp, Marisol Velasco Sacristán y Sandro Nielsen, Lise Mourier, Henning Bergenholtz

First English-Danish dictionary for accounting | CBS - Copenhagen...

- Researcher from CBS is the co-author Researcher from CBS is the co-author of the first English-Danish dictionary for accounting, financial management, and

Hvor meget koster spidsen af en jetjager?

Du kender sikkert udtrykket 'det koster spidsen af en jetjager', der bruges i flæng, når noget er meget dyrt. Men hvor meget koster spidsen egentligt, og...

||| A E L F E |||

Lexicography in the 21st century. In honour of Henning Bergenholtz, Sandro Nielsen & Sven Tarp (eds.) Marta Aguilar Science Research Writing for Non-Native ...

Repozytorium Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza (AMUR): Online...

'Online Dictionaries of English' In Fuertes-Olivera, Pedro A. and Henning Bergenholtz (eds), E-Lexicography: The Internet, Digital Initiatives ...

Prof T J D Bothma | Article | University of Pretoria

Prof Bothma is professor and Head of the Department of Information Science.

Regnvejrsdag i november. - PDF Free Download

... Jørgensen Tove Jørvang Hanne-Grete Andersen Henning Bergenholtz Lone Bodil hjælper dansk erhvervsliv med deres professionelle brand på LinkedIn.

Sandro Nielsen and Sven Tarp (eds), Lexicography in the 21st Century:...

Título: Sandro Nielsen and Sven Tarp (eds), Lexicography in the 21st Century: im Honour of Henning Bergenholtz. Autor: Ortego Antón, María Teresa. Editor ...

Wikipedia - Unionpedia, the concept map

Wikipedia is a multilingual, web-based, free encyclopedia that is based on a model of openly editable content relations.

Wikipedia research and tools: Review and comments - MOAM.INFO

Apr 27, I here give an overview of Wikipedia and wiki re- search and tools carta and American National ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Henning

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch, Niederdeutsch): Henning; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); heima = das Heim, die Heimat, die Heimstatt; rihhi = reich, mächtig, die Macht, die Herrschaft, der Herrscher; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; bereits im Mittelalter einer der beliebtesten deutschen Vornamen; Name zahlreicher Herzöge, Könige und Kaiser

Personensuche zu Henning Bergenholtz & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Henning Bergenholtz und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.