71 Infos zu Heide Klumpp

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8 Aktuelle Nachrichten

2014 Anxiety and Depression Conference: Functional MRI Predictors of...

View more about this event at Anxiety and Depression Conference

People with poor sleep find it harder to see things in a positive...

The research team used functional MRI to measure the activity in different regions of the brain as participants were challenged with an emotion-regulation task.

Emotion-processing networks disrupted in sufferers of depression

Regions of the brain that normally work together to process emotion become decoupled in people who experience multiple episodes of depression, neuroscientists...

Sleep quality affects emotion in depression, anxiety

Recent findings indicated sleep quality affected emotion regulation in individuals with anxiety or depression disorders. “Our research indicates sleep...

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Heide Klumpp | Facebook

GitHub - caobokai/tBNE

Contribute to caobokai/tBNE development by creating an account on GitHub.

1 Firmen-Beteiligungen

Heide Klumpp - MarketVisual Knowledge Map

New Search: Heide Klumpp. Heide Klumpp. Knowledge Map Preview. Company Affiliations. Search: Company, # of Roles. University of Michigan, 3. University ...

1 Traueranzeigen

findagrave: Richard George Lang Dolson Jr. ( ) – Find a Grave Gedenkstätte

Besides his mother he is survived by his fiancée, Heide Klumpp of Ypsilanti, MI; his brother, Tim Dolson of Canton and many aunts, uncles, ...

3 Bücher zum Namen



Brain Informatics and Health: International Conference, BIH 2016,...

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Brain and Health Informatics, BHI 2016, held in Omaha, USA, in October

3 Dokumente

Notes on "Artificial Intelligence in Bioscience Symposium 2017"

Including talks for drug discovery, drug target selection, scientific reproducibility, machine learning in omics and GWAS, network biology, functional connecto…

Age‐related changes in amygdala–frontal connectivity during emotional...

Heide Klumpp,. 1. Kate D. Fitzgerald,. 4. Christopher S. Monk,. 5. and. K. Luan Phan. 1,6, Department of Psychiatry, University of Illinois at ...

EBSCOhost | | Preliminary Study of Attention Training to...

Heide Klumpp Æ Nader Amir. Published online: 13 May © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC Abstract Cognitive theories of anxiety ...

12 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Amygdala reactivity to faces at varying intensities of threat in...

Amygdala reactivity to faces at varying intensities of threat in generalized social phobia: An event-related functional MRI study. Heide Klumpp. x. Heide Klumpp.

dblp: Heide Klumpp

List of computer science publications by Heide Klumpp

Verfasser Suchresultate :: Katalog der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig

Treffer von 18 für Suche: 'Heide Klumpp'. Sortieren. Relevanz, Erscheinungsjahr, absteigend, Erscheinungsjahr, aufsteigend, Person / Institution, Titel ...

dblp: Moo K. Chung

List of computer science publications by Moo K. Chung

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Neuroimaging Predictors and Mechanisms of Treatment Response in...

... in Social Anxiety Disorder: an Overview of the Amygdala. Authors; Authors and affiliations. Heide Klumpp Email author; Jacklynn M. Fitzgerald. Heide Klumpp.

Anterior cingulate cortex and insula response during indirect and...

... insula response during indirect and direct processing of emotional faces in generalized social anxiety disorder. Heide Klumpp,; David Post, ...

Preliminary Study of Attention Training to Threat and Neutral Faces...

Cognitive theories of anxiety emphasize attentional bias to threat contributes to the maintenance of anxiety disorders (e.g., Williams et al. in Cognitive

Resting state amygdala-prefrontal connectivity predicts symptom...

Heide Klumpp · .edu (1) (2) (3); Michael K Keutmann · (2); Daniel A Fitzgerald · .

2 Meinungen & Artikel

Mental Health and Wellbeing - JISCMail

... Study of Attention Training to Threat and Neutral Faces on Anxious Reactivity to a Social Stressor in Social Anxiety. Author(s). Heide Klumpp & Nader Amir.

OCD can be a lonely path. Let’s find our way. Together: by Ryan...

I went through a very successful treatment with Dr. Heide Klumpp who, at the time , was the University of Michigan's Anxiety Disorders Clinic. I highly recommend their practice. I'm now recovering from a relapse after almost a decade of sustained gains. It's a challenge but I can see the light at the end of the ...

31 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Heide Klumpp | LinkedIn

View Heide Klumpp's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Heide Klumpp discover inside ...

Publications - CoNECt@UIC - The Collaborative Neuroimaging...

The Collaborative Neuroimaging Environment for Connectomics

Combined Pharmacotherapy and Psychotherapy for Anxiety Disorders: Is...

Clinical scenario 18-year-old Caucasian woman is a full-time freshman Born and raised in a small Southern town During interview, she describes herself as a shy...

Faculty - UIC Department of Psychiatry

UIC Department of Psychiatry Faculty Listing

Heide Klumpp

Search results for: Heide Klumpp Heide Klumpp, Patricia Deldin · International Journal of Psychophysiology > > 75 > 2 >


EDUCATION AND TRAINING. SHARE ; HTML ; DOWNLOAD ; Size: px ... Role: Co-Investigator SUBMITTED GRANTS National Institutes of Mental Health, (Heide Klumpp, …

HEIDE KLUMPP - Publications

PsychTree: publications by researcher



Attention Training in Individuals With Generalized Social Phobia: A...

... With Generalized Social Phobia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Nader Amir, Courtney Beard, Charles T. Taylor, Heide Klumpp, Jason Elias, ...

Anxiety & Depression Insights

Neural Reactivity to Reward as a Predictor of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Response in Anxiety and Depression (Heide Klumpp Ph.D.) Altered Default Mode ...

Dampak Tidur Tak Nyenyak Setiap Malam Picu Depresi : Okezone Lifestyle

Jika Anda setiap malam merasakan tidur tidak nyenyak jangan diabaikan Karena dampaknya bisa memicu depresi - Health - Okezone Lifestyle

New Page 1

Heide Klumpp and Patricia Deldin (Ann Arbor) (2010). Review of Brain Functioning in Depression for Semantic Processing and Verbal Fluency, 75(2) pdf.

Depression severity predicts striatal reactivity to positive social cues in ...

Access the original poster in full on F1000Research: Depression severity predicts striatal reactivity to positive social cues in anxiety disorders

Increased Dopamine Transporter Availability Associated with the...

The authors thank Heide Klumpp, Michelle Early, Eileen Smith, Gary Wisniewski, Louis Amici, Kristina Estok, and Ann Marie Lacobelle for excellent technical assistance and Larry Muenz, PhD, for statistical advice. This research was supported by the American Federation for Aging Research, generous gifts ...

Lack of Sleep Has Been Proven to Increase Anxiety & Depression...

Sleep deprivation is a large component in an increase in anxiety and depression symptoms. Click here to find out why getting plenty of sleep is important...

What Is a Panic Attack?

Feeling panic is a natural response to danger. The problem comes when you feel panic without a threat.

Most recent papers in the journal Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders...

Heide Klumpp, Michael K Keutmann, Daniel A Fitzgerald, Stewart A Shankman, K Luan Phan. BACKGROUND: Aberrant amygdala-prefrontal interactions at rest  ...

JCCP 77:5 Contents - Learning & Technology Library (LearnTechLib)

Nader Amir, Courtney Beard, Charles T. Taylor, Heide Klumpp, Jason Elias, Michelle Burns & Xi Chen. The authors conducted a randomized, double-blind ...

Donald F. Klein Early Career Investigator Awardees |...

Congratulations to our Klein awardees for the best original research paper on neurobiology, psychopharmacology, psychosocial treatments, or...

Sleep Problems In Those With Anxiety, Depression May Make Positivity...

Researchers studied how poor sleep among people with anxiety and depression affects their ability to see things in a positive light.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Heide

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Heide; von edlem Wesen; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); adal = edel, vornehm, der Adel, aus vornehmem Geschlecht; heit = -heit, die Art, die Weise; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; im Mittelalter überaus beliebt

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Klumpp

BRIGITTE KLUMP!13.7.08 In meinem Fall handelt es sich um die Familie Renaud de Boulogne, die im Zuge der Templerverfolgung so ziemlich ausgerottet worden ist und auf der Flucht in Niederösterreich( Ungarn) einen anderen Namen annahm: Golomb, Glomp, Glomp, das heißt auf ungarisch Taube und bezieht sich auf die Taube,das Ordenssymbol des inneren Kreises des Templerordens. Ab 1468 verwaltete die Familie, eingedeutscht Klump(p),140 Jahre lang die Stadt Radolfzell am Bodensee. Die familie spaltete sich aus Glaubensgründen.Die Calvinisten flohen in Nacht und Nebel nach Württemberg, sonst hätte man sie umgebracht.Der Rest der Familie Renaud de Boulogne überlebte in Arles, später d`Alleins und mauserte sich wieder zu Markgrafen der Provence. Als Jean,ein Mitglied der Familie de Renaud Hugenotte wurde,floh er mit seinem Sohn Jean über die Schweiz nach Württemberg.Sie waren 13 Jahre lang auf der Flucht. Durch Eheschließung verbanden sich die Häuser Renaud und Klump.Mein Vater war Richard Klump, meine Oma war die Tochter von Rosine Renaud

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