93 Infos zu Gerald Staberock

Mehr erfahren über Gerald Staberock

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19 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Rights groups blast Bangladesh law revision, activist arrest

The amendment includes hiking the maximum penalty for breaching the act from 10 to 14 years in prison.

NZZ: Kein Ende der Folter | NZZ

Die Weltorganisation gegen Folter sieht in den Umwälzungen des arabischen Frühlings eine Gelegenheit, dem weitverbreiteten Einsatz von Foltermethoden in der...

Guardian: Iranian lawyer Mohammad Ali Dadkhah sentenced to nine years in jail |...

Dadkhah has defended several people on death row in Iran, including pastor Yusuf Naderkhani who is jailed for apostasy

Menschenrechtsverletzungen - "Der Aufschrei ist längst verhallt" -...

11. Mai 2010, 00:35 Menschenrechtsverletzungen "Der Aufschrei ist längst verhallt" "Deutschland spielt keine vorbildliche Rolle" - Gerald Staberock von der

1  Bilder zu Gerald Staberock

Bild zu Gerald Staberock

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: OMCT Genève - Interview de Gerald Staberock, Secrétaire...

LinkedIn: Gerald Staberock - World Organisation Against Torturelinkedin.com

› gerald-staberock-65a63146

3 Hobbys & Interessen

Guatemala - "Smaller than David": The struggle of human rights...

Analysis in English on Guatemala about Protection and Human Rights; published on 23 Feb by FIDH

Head of World Organisation Against Torture: ‘Those responsible have...

Gerald Staberock is Secretary-General of the World Organisation against Torture, a global network of NGOs dedicated to fighting torture, summary executions,...

"We are not afraid" - Land rights defenders: attacked for confronting...

English Analysis on World about Protection and Human Rights; published on 02 Dec by FIDH

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Team / OMCT

Management. Secretary General: Programme Director / Global CAT Civil Society Programme: Director of OMCT Tunis Office: Gerald Staberock. Missing: ludwigsburg ‎württ

5 Bücher zum Namen

Hybridisierung der Rechtsordnung - Paulus, u.a., - Google Books

Internationales, nationales und privates Recht: Hybridisierung der Rechtsordnungen?" und "Immunität" waren die Oberthemen der 33. Tagung der...

The Treatment of Prisoners under International Law - Nigel Rodley,...

... Edouard Delaplace, Yuval Ginbar, Christopher Keith Hall, Carmi Lecker, Michael O'Boyle, Markus Schmidt, Ian Seiderman, Gerald Staberock, Safir Syed, and ...

Yearbook of the International Commission of Jurists - Ian Seiderman -...

Gerald Staberock examines the latest trends and strategies aimed at effective implementation at the national level of international human rights standards.

Evangelical Peacemakers: Gospel Engagement in a War-Torn World -...

This book contains fifteen essays originally presented at a conference on evangelical Christianity and global peacemaking held at Georgetown University in...

3 Dokumente

Ppt ngo funding final

Violations of the right of NGOs to funding: from harassment to criminalisation nd session of the Human Rights C…

Documentary The Rights of Others shows Human Rights Defenders in...

On 22 September will be shown the film

Press Conference on Annual Report of Observatory for Protection of...

“Sadly, it's an alarming picture that transcends from this report,” Gerald Staberock, Secretary-General of the World Organization against Torture, ...

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

MOHAMED v. JEPPESEN DATAP | 614 F.3d (2010) | |...

OPINION FISHER Circuit Judge. This case requires us to address the difficult balance the state secrets doctrine strikes

10 Meinungen & Artikel

Iraq: Need to ensure the protection of the residents of Camp Ashraf ...

“The deadline set by the Iraqi government to close Camp Ashraf by the end of without a safe solution for its residents, causes an acute risk of grave and serious human rights violations”, said Gerald Staberock, Secretary ...

Gerald Staberock | Hans Thoolen on Human Rights Defenders

Posts about Gerald Staberock written by Hans Thoolen

20 | July | | My Vietnam 2

2 posts published by myvietnam2 on July 20, 2013

Geopolitis - La torture: toujours d'actualité? - RTS.ch

La torture: toujours d'actualité?

48 Webfunde aus dem Netz

For Fight Against Corruption in India. - Yahoo Groups

Esteemed Gerald Staberock, Thanks atleast for your ... The Presidentof Brampton Business Centre, Guelph Road, 7900, Hurontario Street, Brampton Ontario ...

1 Gerald Staberock Quotes @Quotio

1 quotes by Gerald Staberock, one of many famous people. Find quotations spoken by Gerald Staberock and other famous authors here.

Gerald Staberock Archives - Erasing 76 Crimes

Posts about Gerald Staberock written by Colin Stewart

Gerald Staberock – Human Rights Society of Uzbekistan

17:28 Tagged with: Gerald Staberock, Souhayr Belhassen, Ziad Abdel Tawab ...

Gerald Staberock | Open Development Cambodia (ODC)

searching will help find a related post. Search. Search. Categories. expand Agriculture ...

Friedensprozess (X) - Baskenland | BASKULTUR.INFO:

Seit April sitzt die baskische Aktivistin Nekane Txapartegi in Auslieferungshaft. In Spanien drohen ihr fast sieben Jahre Haft. Die Wochenzeitung WOZ hat sie...

ichmachPolitik.at - Die Video Plattform zur österreichischen Politik.

Sonderberichterstatter über Folter), Gerald STABEROCK (Weltorganisation gegen Folter - OMCT), Henri TIPHAGNE (Präsident von Forum Asia ...

Juristische Fakultät der Humboldt Universität Prof. Dr. D. Krauß...

... Jorcke, Julia Maier-Hauff, Nils Mayer-Ohlendorf und Gerald Staberock dem Projekt die Robert-Bosch-Stiftung und die Stiftung West-Östliche Begegnung, René Schneider Seminare Breul Münster An die Vorsitzende des ...

PINAR SELEK-International News;

Pınar Selek - Yazar Pınak Selek'in resmi sitesi

Infodienst Nr. 59 – Repression

Azadi Rechtshilfefonds für Kurdinnen und Kurden in Deutschland

"Opening Remarks" by Claudio Grossman, Gisella Gori et al.

By Claudio Grossman, Gisella Gori, and Gerald Staberock, Published on

Foltert die CIA in Europa Gefangene?

Im Fall des Verdachts auf Folter oder der Beihilfe zur Folter sind Untersuchungen notwendig

EU: Use Brussels visit of Kyrgyzstan’s president to secure human...

rights,” noted Gerald Staberock, Secretary General of the OMCT.

Egypt: Immediately release Alaa Abdel Fattah and Ahmed Abdel Rahman

activities ”, added OMCT Secretary General Gerald Staberock.

Mauaji ya Mwanaharakati yashindwa kuleta haki Burundi | Matukio ya...

Mashirika 20 yasiyo ya kiserikali kutoka Burundi na kimataifa, yameikosoa hukumu iliyotolewa na mahakama katika mauaji ya mwanaharakati wa kupinga rushwa...

Memorial döms att registrera sig som ”utländska agent” - iöst.nu

En domstol i Moskva beordrade förra veckan den ryska människorättsorganisationen Memorial att registrera sig som utländsk agent på grund av sitt arbete

Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka » Rozmawiamy o torturach –...

Gerald Staberock mówił także o doświadczeniach swojej ...

Human rights defenders call to stop pressure on Ales Bialiatski -...

Gerald Staberock. Secretary General of OMCT. ***. Ales Bialiatski is the Chairman of Human Rights Centre Viasna. On 24 November 2011, ...


... Laura Bush and daughters Barbara and Jenna make high-profile visits to the says Gerald Staberock, a director of the International Commission of Jurists.

PRAWA Joins the World Organization Against Torture to Say “Nothing...

The Secretary General of OMCT General Gerald Staberock, took the floor and recalled the importance to mobilize against all forms of torture ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Gerald

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Gerald; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); ger = der Speer; waltan = walten, herrschen, der Herrscher; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Gerald Staberock und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.