62 Infos zu Florian Unterstein

Mehr erfahren über Florian Unterstein

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Twitter Profil: Florian Unterstein (floohu)

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Matthias Hiller - TUM EI SEC

Stephan Kleber, Florian Unterstein, Matthias Matousek, Frank Kargl, Frank Slomka and Matthias Hiller, Design of the Secure Execution PUF-based Processor ...

11 Bücher zum Namen

Florian Unterstein - IACRwww.iacr.org › cryptodb › data › author

Florian Unterstein. Publications. Year. Venue. Title TCHES. Security and Trust in Open Source Security Tokens Abstract.

Florian Unterstein

Vincent Immler Robert Specht Florian Unterstein. Protecting cryptographic implementations against side-channel attacks is a must to prevent leakage of ...

Stephan Kleber | University of Ulm | 65 Citations | Related Authorstypeset.io › Author Directory

Florian Unterstein. 15 papers, 72 citations. 95% related. Frank Slomka papers, 1K citations. 86% related. Frank Kargl papers, 7K citations.

Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure Design: 11th ...books.google.com › books

... Hadi Soleimany Patrick Struck Lars Tebelmann Jan Thoma Rei Ueno Florian Unterstein Gilles Van Assche Ville Yli-Mäyry Fan Zhang viii Organization.

8 Dokumente

SCA Secure and Updatable Crypto Engines for ACM Digital Librarydl.acm.org › doi › pdf

Florian Unterstein, Nisha Jacob, Neil Hanley, Chongyan Gu, and Johann. Heyszl SCA Secure and Updatable Crypto Engines for FPGA SoC.


1 ERGEBNISLISTE B2RUN München Einzelwertung Wertungen und Altersklassen nach Vorgaben des Veranstalters. GESAMTWERT...

Further Reading - secUnityit-security-map.eu › roadmap

In: ArXiv e-prints (2018). accepted: 27th USENIX. Security Symposium, Baltimore, MD, USA, August , arXiv: [4] Florian Unterstein et al.

[PDF] Referenzpapier Vertrauenswürdige Elektronik - Elektronikforschungwww.elektronikforschung.de › dateien › publikationen › download

· [9] Marc Schink, Alexander Wagner, Florian Unterstein, and Johann Heyszl. Security and trust in open source security tokens. IACR Trans.

8 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

SCA Secure and Updatable Crypto Engines for FPGA SoC Bitstream ...dblp.uni-trier.de › conf › ccs › UntersteinJHGH19

Florian Unterstein, Nisha Jacob , Neil Hanley, Chongyan Gu, Johann Heyszl: SCA Secure and Updatable Crypto Engines for FPGA SoC Bitstream Decryption.

Florian Unterstein · GitLab

Florian Unterstein. @florian.unterstein Member since June 12, Overview · Activity · Groups · Contributed projects · Personal projects · Starred projects ...

dblp: Katja Miller

List of computer science publications by Katja Miller

Florian Unterstein - dblpdblp.org › Persons

Florian Unterstein: High precision electromagnetic analysis of leakage resilient cryptographic constructions. Technical University of Munich, Germany, ...

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Information Security | SpringerLinklink.springer.com › book

79,99 $ Auf LagerStephan Kleber, Florian Unterstein, Matthias Hiller, Frank Slomka, Matthias Matousek, Frank Kargl et al. Pages ,99 $ Auf Lager Stephan Kleber, Florian Unterstein, Matthias Hiller, Frank Slomka, Matthias Matousek, Frank Kargl et al. Pages

Information Security | SpringerLink

The ISC proceedings book is dealing with Information Security focusing on original research in cyber security, applied cryptography, and privacy. Both...

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Retrofitting Leakage Resilient Authenticated Encryption YouTubewww.youtube.com › watch

· Paper by Florian Unterstein, Marc Schink, Thomas Schamberger, Lars Tebelmann ...Dauer: 23:04Gepostet:

1 Meinungen & Artikel

不可修复的芯片:Xilinx 7系列FPGA 比特流加密的全面突破(三)...blog.csdn.net › weixin_ › article › details

· [54] Florian Unterstein, Nisha Jacob, Neil Hanley, ChongyanGu, and Johann Heyszl. SCA secure and updatablecrypto engines for FPGA soc ...

29 Webfunde aus dem Netz

[PDF] Deep learning-enhanced side-channel analysis of cryptographic ...hss-opus.ub.ruhr-uni-bochum.de › deliver › index › docId › file › diss

· Robert Specht, Vincent Immler, Florian Unterstein, Johann Heyszl, and Georg. Sig. Dividing the threshold: Multi-probe localized EM analysis ...

Florian Unterstein's research works | Fraunhofer Institute for Applied ...www.researchgate.net › scientific-contributions › Fl...

Florian Unterstein's 11 research works with 64 citations and 305 reads, including: SCA secure and updatable crypto engines for FPGA SoC bitstream ...

Florian Unterstein (@flo_ou) • Fotky a videa na Instagramuwww.instagram.com › flo_ou

Florian Unterstein. Příspěvky (5). Sledující (81). Sleduji (141). #snowboarding in Siberian #pow · End of season , Stein gewinnt.

Florian Unterstein's Profile - Hackaday.iohackaday.io › floOh

Florian Unterstein. Interested in embedded systems and hardware security. Germany. Following Follow me. Send a private message.

[PDF] Florian Unterstein - Enduro Onewww.enduro-one.com › urkundendruck › urkunden

Florian Unterstein belegte in der Klasse E1 Guest mit einer Gesamtzeit von 00:16: den Platz. Ulrich Hanus. BABOONS GmbH. Hubert Stanka.

COSADE: Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure Designcosade.telecom-paristech.fr › accepted

Florian Unterstein, Johann Heyszl, Fabrizio De Santis and Robert Specht. Low-cost Setup for Localized Semi-invasive Optical Fault Injection Attacks - How ...

Einfühung Kernelpatches Benchmarks Fazit. Zcache. Andor Daam ...docplayer.org › Einfuehung-kernelpatches-benchmarks-fazit-zc...

Performanzanalysen von Smart Systems auf Systemebene Florian Unterstein Missing Link Electronics Abstract Es werden Tools und Methoden vorgestellt, ...

Publications - Neil Hanleyneilhanley.gitlab.io › publications

@article{DBLP:journals/jce/UntersteinJHGH21, author = {Florian Unterstein and Nisha Jacob and Neil Hanley and Chongyan Gu and Johann Heyszl}, title = {{SCA} ...

SCA secure and updatable crypto engines for FPGA SoC bitstream ...ouci.dntb.gov.ua › works

Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media LLC. Authors: Florian Unterstein, Nisha Jacob, Neil Hanley, Chongyan Gu, Johann Heyszl ...

Enduro One - Aschau · · Results · SPORTident-Timing

AUT, 11:07.38, +2: , FLORIAN UNTERSTEIN. GER, 11:16.73, +2: , JOHANNES BAUERNFEIND. GER, 11:21.61, +2: ...

Security and Trust in Open Source Security Tokenswww.aisec.fraunhofer.de › wissenschaftliche-exzellenz

Florian Unterstein. Hardware Security. Fraunhofer AISEC Garching b. München. Kontakt. Contact Press / Media. Marc Schink.

Tech Days 2019www.techdaysmunich.com › tech-days-2019

Florian Unterstein joined Fraunhofer AISEC in and is a research associate at the Department of Hardware Security. Additionally he is pursuing a Ph.D.

Your rails cannot hide from localized EM: how dual-rail logic fails on ...www.springerprofessional.de › your-rails-cannot-hide-from-localized-em-h...

verfasst von: Vincent Immler, Robert Specht, Florian Unterstein. Erschienen in: Journal of Cryptographic Engineering | Ausgabe

[PDF] High-Resolution EM Attacks Against Leakage-Resilient PRFs...

Florian Unterstein, Johann Heyszl, +2 authors Georg Sigl. Achieving side- channel resistance through Leakage Resilience (LR) is highly relevant for embedded ...

High-Resolution EM Attacks Against Leakage-Resilient PRFs ...www.springerprofessional.de › high-resolution-em-atta...

Autoren: Florian Unterstein, Johann Heyszl, Fabrizio De Santis, Robert Specht, Georg Sigl. Verlag: Springer International Publishing. Erschienen in: Topics in ...

[PDF] secUnity - KITpublikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu › ...

[4] Florian Unterstein et al. “High-Resolution EM Attacks Against Leakage-Resilient. PRFs Explained – And An Improved Construction”.

[PS] A Complete Bibliography of Publications in the Journal The Netlibwww.netlib.org › tex › bib › jcryptoeng.ps.gz

Florian Unterstein. Your rails can-. not hide from localized EM: how. dual-rail logic fails on FPGAs — ex-. tended version. Journal of Crypto-.

Corona kippt die beliebte Skigymnastik des Skiclubs Tirschenreuthwww.onetz.de › oberpfalz › corona-kippt-beliebte-skigymnastik-skiclubs-ti...

· ... Florian Unterstein und Wolfgang Wettinger. Für 50 Jahre Mitgliedschaft wurden Günter Eixner, Robert Kistenpfennig und Hans Ott geehrt.

Enduro One Innsbruck · · Ergebnisse - Timing · SPORTidenttiming.sportident.com › enduro-one › course-a › by-category › stages

· FLORIAN UNTERSTEIN. GER, Isar Dude*innen, 2:39,35, +0:11MICHAEL HEIDIG. GER, 2:40,33, +0:12,46.

Journal of Cryptographic Engineeringftp.math.utah.edu › pub › tex › bib › toc › jcryptoeng

· Vincent Immler and Robert Specht and Florian Unterstein Your rails cannot hide from localized EM: how dual-rail logic fails on ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Florian

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch, Polnisch): Florian; Lateinisch (Wortzusammensetzung); flos = die Blume, die Blüte; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Florian (4. Jh.); der lateinische Name 'Florianus' ist eine Weiterbildung zu 'Florus'

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