83 Infos zu Cornelia Dröge

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Die Fans sind geschockt von den Neinsagern | nw.de

Bielefeld. Zweifellos: Das war eines der spannendsten und nervenaufreibendsten Endspiele mit Verlängerung, die die Arminia-Fans je miterlebt haben...

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

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: Cornelia Dröge aus Bielefeld

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: Cornelia Dröge aus Harsleben

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Facebook: Cornelia Dröge | Facebook

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Lancet Oncology, The - Présentation - EM consultewww.em-consulte.com › figures

... Gerhard W Sybrecht, ProfMD, Dieter Ukena, ProfMD, Karl-Matthias Deppermann, MD, Cornelia Dröge, MD, Dorothea Riesenbeck, MD, Achim Heinecke, PhD, ...

1 Firmen-Beteiligungen

Cornelia Droege in der Creditreform Firmendatenbank

Cornelia Droege gehört zu den Managern oder Eigentümern der aufgeführten Unternehmen. Informieren Sie sich detailliert auf Creditreform FirmenWissen.

14 Bücher zum Namen

Determinants of the new product screening decision : a structural...

... Cornelia Dröge. Year of Publication: 1988: Authors: DeBrentani, Ulrike: Contributors: Droge, Cornelia: Published in: International journal of research in

Associative positioning strategies through comparative advertising :...

Associative positioning strategies through comparative advertising : attribute versus overall similarity approaches. Cornelia Dröge and René Y. Darmon ...

Psychological and traditional determinants of structure - EconBiz

Verfasserangabe: Danny Miller ; Cornelia Dröge. Jahr: Person: Miller, Danny. Beteiligte Person: Droge, Cornelia. Erschienen in: Administrative science ...

Boundary-Spanning Marketing Organization: A Theory and Insights from...

​​​​​​Now more than ever, marketing is assuming a key boundary-spanning role—a role that also redefined the composition of the marketing organization. In this...

2 Dokumente

The Fast Eat the Slow - The Impact of Strategy and Innovation Timing...

Cornelia Droege gen. Körber affiliation not provided to SSRN International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 52, Nos. 1/2, pp , 2010


The research presents a model that portrays customer‐focused and information‐focused capabilities as interrelated predictors of firm performance. Results show...

8 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Applied customer knowledge in a manufacturing environment:...

Cornelia Dröge obtained a Ph.D. from McGill University and is currently a professor in the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management at Michigan ...

Organizational structure in divisionalized manufacturers: the pot...:...

Patricia J. Daugherty, Cornelia Dröge. The Authors. Patricia J. Daugherty, No. Cornelia Dröge, No. Abstract. Posits that, in recent years, more firms have chosen ...

dblp: Cornelia Dröge

List of computer science publications by Cornelia Dröge

Cornelia Dröge - dblpdblp.org › Persons

Shawnee K. Vickery, Xenophon Koufteros, Cornelia Dröge: Does Product Platform Strategy Mediate the Effects of Supply Chain Integration on ...

5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Cornelia Dröge | PubFacts

Cornelia Dröge

EconPapers: The Design of Logistics Organizations

By Cornelia Dröge and Richard Germain; Abstract: The design of logistics organizations is examined on several dimensions: (1) the existence ...

The impact of the centralized structuring of logistics activities ...link.springer.com › article

Cornelia Dröge; Richard Germain. Cornelia Dröge. 1. Richard Germain Michigan State UniversityUSA. Special Section Downloads; 14 Citations ...

Styling Dröge – HammWiki

Styling Dröge ist ein Friseursalon in Rhynern. Inhaberin ist Cornelia Dröge. Adresse Hamm Telefon: (02385) 2225

27 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Dr. med. Cornelia Dröge, Leitende Ärztin Onkologie - Spital ...www.spitalmaennedorf.ch › fachpersonen › droege-cor...

Dr. med. Cornelia Dröge. Kontakt. E-Mail. . Onkologie Zentrum. , Männedorf. E-Mail.

Cornelia Dröge, Cornelia

Cornelia Dröge, Cornelia

Dr Cornelia Dröge, oncologist in Männedorf - OneDocwww.onedoc.ch › mannedorf › dr-...

Book your appointment online with Dr Cornelia Dröge, oncologist at , Männedorf.

Styling Dröge Cornelia Dröge Hamm Friseur

Styling Dröge Cornelia Dröge Hamm. Adresse: , Hamm, Nordrhein-Westfalen Karte. Telefon: (02385)

Cornelia L. Dröge. - PDF Free Download

4 Cindy Claycomb, Cornelia Dröge and Richard Germain (2002), Applied Product Jayanth Jayaram, Shawnee K. Vickery, and Cornelia Dröge (1999), "An ...

Cornelia Dröge

Cornelia Dröge. Details · Publications ... Cornelia Dröge, Roger Calantone · Industrial Marketing Management 25 , 6 ,

Directory - Butler University

Spreng, Richard A., Robert D. Mackoy, and Cornelia Dröge (1998), "Confounds in the Measurement of Predictive Expectations," Journal of Consumer ...

"Confounds in the Measurement of Predictive Expectations" by Richard...

Given the importance of predictive expectations in consumer satisfaction models, confounds in the measurement of expectations could result in misspecified...

A phase I/II trial of Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields PubMedpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...

Authors. Miklos Pless , Cornelia Droege , Roger von Moos , Marc Salzberg , Daniel Betticher. Affiliations. 1 Medical Oncology, Kantonsspital Winterthur, ...

A phase i study of the oral platinum agent satraplatin in sequential...

Elisa Gallerani, Jean Bauer, Dagmar Hess, Steffen Boehm, Cornelia Droege, Sandrine Jeckelmann, Monica Miani, Richard Herrmann, Silvia Marsoni, Sabine ...

Applied customer knowledge in a manufacturing environment:...

Cornelia Dröge. Michigan State University, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management, N370 North Business Complex, East Lansing,…

EGFR Exon-Level Biomarkers of the Response to Bevacizumab/Erlotinib...

EGFR Exon-Level Biomarkers of the Response to Bevacizumab/Erlotinib in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

EGFR Exon-Level Biomarkers of the Response to Bevacizumab/Erlotinib...

Cornelia Dröge,. Affiliation: Medical Oncology, University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland. ⨯. Richard Cathomas,. Affiliation: Department of ...

Enablers and Difficulties for Innovation in Chile: Perceptions from...

CALANTONE, Roger, Rosanna Garcia and Cornelia Dröge (2003). “The Effects of Environmental Turbulence on New Product Development Strategy Planning”.

International Journal of Technology Management (IJTM) Inderscience...

Andreas Kuckertz, Marko Kohtamaki, Cornelia Droege gen. Korber DOI: IJTM , The influences of critical incidents and lifecycle ...

Journal of Operations Management

Shawnee K. Vickery, Cornelia Dröge, Robert E. Markland, Dimensions of manufacturing strength in the furniture industry, Journal Of Operations Management ...

Office address - Ana səhifəazkurs.org › office-address

Spreng, Richard A. and Cornelia Dröge (2001), “The Impact on Satisfaction of Managing Attribute Expectations: Should Performance Claims Be ...

Product warranties and post‐purchase service: a model of consumer...

Product warranties and post‐purchase service: a model of consumer satisfaction with complaint resolution - Author: Diane Halstead, Cornelia Dröge, M. Bixby...

Revue des Maladies Respiratoires

... Gerhard W Sybrecht, ProfMD, Dieter Ukena, ProfMD, Karl-Matthias Deppermann, MD, Cornelia Dröge, MD, Dorothea Riesenbeck, MD, Achim Heinecke, PhD, ...

View - eDoc

Miller, Danny/Cornelia Dröge, 1986: Psychological and Traditional Determinants of Structure. In: Administrative Science Quarterly 31, 539–560. Miner, John B.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Cornelia

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Italienisch): Cornelia; Lateinisch (Römischer Familienname); cornu = das Horn; Information zur männlichen Form Cornelius:; von einem altrömischen Familiennamen, dem vielleicht das Wort 'cornu' (Horn) zugrundeliegt; verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Cornelius, Papst von 251 bis 253

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Dröge

Der Name kommt aus der niederländischen Provinz Drenthe, in der das Wort "droog" (trocken) wie "drög" ausgesprochen wird. Der Name "Dröge" war beiderseits der Grenze -besonders in Haselünne- verbreitet.

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