55 Infos zu Christian Carlowitz

Mehr erfahren über Christian Carlowitz

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

FSFE summit September 2nd to 4th, BCC Berlin, Germany

Navigation: Imagine a European Union that builds its IT infrastructure on Free Software. Imagine European Member States that exchange information in Open S...

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Christian Carlowitz München | Facebook

GitHub - gitGNU/gnu_plussydisplay

Contribute to gitGNU/gnu_plussydisplay development by creating an account on GitHub.

Carlowitz, Christian › Technische Fakultät der FAU

Dr.-Ing. Christian Carlowitz, Akad ; Webseite: http:// www.lhft.eei.uni-erlangen.de/mitarbeiter/data/christian-carlowitz.shtml; Adresse:.

Carlowitz, Christian › Faculty of Engineering

Dr.-Ing. Christian Carlowitz, Akad ; Website: http:// www.lhft.eei.uni-erlangen.de/mitarbeiter/data/christian-carlowitz.shtml; Address:.

1 Business-Profile

Keyring Statistics

Christian Carlowitz, 21, ****************. Jameson Graef Rollins, 21, *************** *. Alain Buret, 21, ****************. Kevin Otte, 21, ****************. Guido Leisker ...

1 Projekte

Plussy Display - Summary [Savannah]

Savannah is a central point for development, distribution and maintenance of free software, both GNU and non-GNU.

1 Bücher zum Namen

Ultra-Wideband Radio Technologies for Communications, Localization...

... Angle Modulated Ultra Wideband Communication and Radar Systems. By Alexander Esswein, Robert Weigel, Christian Carlowitz and Martin ...

4 Dokumente

A Millimeter-Wave Low-Power Active Backscatter Tag for FMCW Radar...

1964 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 61, NO. 5, MAY A Millimeter-Wave Low-Power Active Backscatter Tag for FMCW Radar Systems...

[PDF] as PDF - Free Download PDF

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Synthesis of angle modulated ultra wideband signals based on...

IEEE Xplore, delivering full text access to the world's highest quality technical literature in engineering and technology. | IEEE Xplore


... Katja Dahlke, Gabriella Rimkus, Christiane Geyer, Frank Seifert, Olaf Kosch, Florian Thiel, Matthias Hein, Francesco Scotto di Clemente, Ulrich Schwarz, Marko Helbig, Jürgen Sachs, Henning Mextorf, Frank Daschner, Mike Kent, Reinhard Knöchel, Alexander Esswein, Robert Weigel, Christian Carlowitz, ...

9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: BibTeX records: Christian Carlowitz

List of computer science publications by BibTeX records: Christian Carlowitz

Team – Lehrstuhl für Hochfrequenztechnik (LHFT)

N/A and ORCID X_LHFT C. Carlowitz and M. Vossiek, “Demonstration of an Efficient High Speed Communication Link Based on …

dblp: Robert Schober

List of computer science publications by Robert Schober

dblp: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Volume 68

Bibliographic content of IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Volume 68

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

LocalGroups/Franken - FSFE Wiki

... FSFE group for Franconia, Germany; Coordinators. Florian Snow <floriansnow AT fsfe DOT org>. Christian Carlowitz <chca AT fsfe DOT org> ...

32 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Christian Carlowitz - Bing Karten

Christian Carlowitz. There were no results for your search. Try one of the following. RETRY YOUR QUERY. Location: Business name or category (optional).

Profile of chca - openSUSE Build Service

Christian Carlowitz chca. Involved Packages; Involved Projects; Owned Project/Packages. chca is not involved in any packages. Show. 10, 25, 50, entries.

Christian Carlowitz - Suchen 学术


People at Savannah: Christian Carlowitz Profile [Savannah]

Savannah is a central point for development, distribution and maintenance of free software, both GNU and non-GNU.


... Cano Amerigo Capria Christian Carlowitz Vincenzo Carrubba Corrado Carta ... LinkedIn, Xing) during the conference and the maintenance of the European ...

ISOPerm: Non-Contacting Measurement of Dielectric Properties of...

... Pulsed Angle Modulated Ultra Wideband Communication and Radar Systems. By Alexander Esswein, Robert Weigel, Christian Carlowitz and Martin Vossiek ...

2012 The 7th German Microwave Conference - PDF Free Download

... Modulated UWB Radar Transmitter Concept Based on Switched Injection Locked Harmonic Sampling Christian Carlowitz, Alexander Esswein, Robert Weigel, ...

Concepts and Components for Pulsed Angle Modulated Ultra Wideband...

Communication and Radar Systems | IntechOpen, Published on: Authors: Alexander Esswein, Robert Weigel, Christian Carlowitz, et.

# nemo: desktop not properly redrawn - Debian Bug report logs

Acknowledgement sent to Christian Carlowitz &> : Extra info received and forwarded to list. Copy sent to Debian Cinnamon Team ...

Efficient Ultra-High Speed Communication with Simultaneous Phase and...

Amplitude Regenerative Sampling (SPARS). Christian Carlowitz, Thomas Girg, Hatem Ghaleb, Xuan-Quang Du. Frequenz, January 2017, De Gruyter; DOI: freq The author haven't yet claimed this publication. Read Publication.

2012 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband - PDF Free...

... Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany An Integrated Switched Injection- Locked Oscillator for Pulsed Angle Modulated Ultra Wideband Communication and Radar Systems Alexander Esswein, Georg Fischer, Robert Weigel, Thomas Ussmueller, Christian Carlowitz, Martin Vossiek, University of Erlangen- Nuremberg, ...

Axel Strobel Geschaltete Oszillatoren für Hochfrequenz...

In diesem Zusammenhang möchte ich auch Herrn Christian Carlowitz und Herrn Prof. Vossiek für die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit danken. Meinem Vater ...

ICMIM 2018: Technical Program Committee

Christian Carlowitz, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. Chun-Ping Chen, Kanagawa University, Japan. Alessandro Cidronali, Universita' di Firenze  ...

KIBA - A booth attraction app

A booth attraction app. A simple android app to control the LED Plussy Display by Christian Carlowitz. It was created in order to promote the FSFE and...

KIBA | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

© F-Droid Limited and Contributors

savannah-register-public (date)

AboutMde.org, 16:14; [Savannah-register-public] [task #13999] Submission of Plussy Display, Christian Carlowitz, 09:26; Re: [Savannah-register-public] [task # ] Submission of Emacs Hook Helpers, Ian Dunn, 09:

Martin Vossiek

Christian Carlowitz, Martin Vossiek · European Radar Conference > European Radar Conference (EuRAD). For future ...

OPUS FAU | Drahtlose Hochgeschwindigkeitskommunikation mit...

Christian Carlowitz. Im Bereich moderner drahtloser Kommunikationssysteme lässt sich seit Jahren ein immens steigender Bedarf an Kapazität ...

PC Bauvorschlag (heise, c't)

Christian Carlowitz Sat, 03 Oct :59: Hallo, anlässlich der Umfrage der c't nach Anforderungen für den diesjährigen PC Bauvorschlag [1] habe ...

Re: War: Libreboot Ist:www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68/micro-desktop

Christian Carlowitz Wed, 13 Jul :42: Hallo, Am um 19:01 schrieb Wolfgang Romey (woro): > > ich verfolge das Projekt ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Christian

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch): Christian; Anhänger Christi, Christ; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); christianus = christlich; christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte (Altgriechisch); seit dem Mittelalter in Deutschland gebräuchlich, mittlerweile einer der beliebtesten VornamenWeiblicher Vorname (Englisch): Christian; Anhänger Christi, Christ; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); christianus = christlich; christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte (Altgriechisch); obwohl an sich männlich, in den USA in dieser Form 'Christian' auch weiblich in Gebrauch, wenn auch nicht häufig Christian ist der Bekennername der frühen Christen (christianus sum = ich bin ein Christ). Eine Bedeutung von Christian ist “Anhänger Christi”. Der griechische Ursprung des Namens bedeutet “der Gesalbte”

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Christian Carlowitz und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.