36 Infos zu Alexander Hüntemann

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Alexander Huentemann | Berufsprofil - LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Alexander Huentemann auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. Alexander Huentemann hat Informationen zur Ausbildung im Profil angegeben. Sehen Sie sich auf LinkedIn das vollständige Profil an und erfahren Sie mehr über die Kontakte von Alexander Huentemann ...

LinkedIn: Alexander Huentemann | LinkedIn

View Alexander Huentemann's (Belgium) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Alexander ...

MySpace: Alexander Huntemann ( )

Osnabrück, Niedersachsen, Germany

Alexander Hüntemann | Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar profile for Alexander Hüntemann, with 11 highly influential citations and 26 scientific research papers.

3 Bücher zum Namen

Biological and Medical Data Analysis: 6th International Symposium,...

The sequencing of the genomes of humans and other organisms is inspiring the developmentofnew statisticalandbioinformatics tools that we hope canmodify the...

Challenges for Assistive Technology: AAATE Google Books

MOVEMENT - A Modular Approach for an Assistive Robot System for Supporting Disabled and Elderly Persons Gernot KRONREIF 1,a, Paul PANEK b, Marnix NUTTIN c, Ger CREMERS d, Andrea PISETTA e, Martin FÜRST a, Georg EDELMAYER b, Alexander HÜNTEMANN c, Gert Jan GELDERBLOM d a PROFACTOR ...

Haptics: Perception, Devices, Mobility, and Communication: 8th...

407 Jérémie Pinoteau, Luca Leonardo Bologna, Jesús Alberto Garrido, and Angelo Arleo Backwards Maneuvering Powered Wheelchairs with Haptic Guidance Emmanuel B. Vander Poorten, Eric Demeester, Alexander Hüntemann, Eli Reekmans, Johan Philips, and Joris De Schutter Direct Touch Haptic Display ...

2 Dokumente

range determination for mobile robots using one EAVISE

Tuytelaars .be. Alexander Hüntemann, Marnix Nuttin. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.

Traditioneller Wanderfeldbau in den Tropen - Hausarbeiten.de |...

Traditioneller Wanderfeldbau in den Tropen - Geowissenschaften / Geographie - Geographie als Schulfach - Referat ebook 0,- € - GRIN

9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Adaptable navigational assistance for intelligent wheelchairs by...

Alexander Hüntemann received his Master degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid in In the year 2004, he was a Marie Curie Fellow on the project DIMENSION at LMS, a world leading company in Noise and Vibration Engineering. Currently he is working ...

dblp: Alexander Hüntemann

List of computer science publications by Alexander Hüntemann

Search results for "Alexander Hüntemann" – FacetedDBLP

Alexander Hüntemann, Eric Demeester, Emmanuel B. Vander Poorten, Hendrik Van Brussel, Joris De Schutter: Probabilistic approach to recognize local navigation plans ...

dblp: Gerolf Vanacker

List of computer science publications by Gerolf Vanacker

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Backwards Maneuvering Powered Wheelchairs with Haptic Guidance |...

This paper describes a novel haptic guidance scheme that helps powered wheelchair users steer their wheelchair through narrow and complex environments. The...

5 - IOS Press Ebooks

Gernot Kronreif, Paul Panek, Marnix Nuttin, Ger Cremers, Andrea Pisetta, Martin Fürst, Georg Edelmayer, Alexander Hüntemann, Gert Jan Gelderblom. Pages Abstract. The main objective of the EC funded project MOVEMENT is to develop a novel modular robotic system which aims at supporting the mobility of ...

Tumor Classification from Gene Expression Data: A Coding-Based...

The effectiveness of cancer treatment depends strongly on an accurate diagnosis. In this paper we propose a system for automatic and precise diagnosis of a...

14 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Markus Spies (Kuderer) - Google Scholar -sitaatit

Muut kirjoittajatNäytä kaikki… Wolfram Burgard,; Henrik Kretzschmar,; Christoph Sprunk,; Johannes Meyer,; Joerg Mueller,; Alexander Huentemann,; Boris Lau, ...

archive-nl.com: imdi-sprint.nl - Social Innovatieprijs | Imdi...

... gebruiker in intelligente systemen Dr Alexander Hüntemann PMA KU Leuven Human robot navigation recognising navigation intentions and ...

Adaptable navigational assistance for intelligent wheelchairs by...

Elderly and disabled people can experience considerable difficulties when driving a powered wheelchair, especially if they do not possess the fine steering...


Ola Millnert, Toon Goedemé, Tinne Tuytelaars, Luc J. Van Gool, Alexander Hüntemann, Marnix Nuttin Range determination for mobile robots using one ...

F. Grupp Hariolf Grupp Richard J. Grupp M. J. Grusby Nils ...

... Hünerbein Michael Hünerbein Ralph Hünermann Hermann Hüni Harald Hüning Horst Hünke A. Hünseler Alexander Hüntemann Knut Hüper Christian Hüppe ...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science PDF Free Download

... and Angelo Arleo Backwards Maneuvering Powered Wheelchairs with Haptic Guidance Emmanuel B. Vander Poorten, Eric Demeester, Alexander Hüntemann, Eli Reekmans, Johan Philips, and Joris De Schutter Direct Touch Haptic Display Using Immersive Illusion with Interactive Virtual Finger Maisarah Binti Ridzuan, ...

Computerbrein helpt rolstoelbestuurder een handje – Bits&Chips

31 maart KU Leuven-promovendus Alexander Hüntemann heeft een manier ontwikkeld om de besturing van elektrische rolstoelen via bijvoorbeeld een ...

The University of Texas at El Paso Library

Backwards Maneuvering Powered Wheelchairs with Haptic Guidance / Emmanuel B. Vander Poorten, Eric Demeester, Alexander Hüntemann, Eli Reekmans and Johan Philips, et al. -- Direct Touch Haptic Display Using Immersive Illusion with Interactive Virtual Finger / Maisarah Binti Ridzuan, Yasutoshi Makino and Kenjiro ...

IMTC Program - siOnet Ltd.

Antonio Vecchio, Herman Van der auweraer, Jan Leuridan and Alexander Huentemann. Lms, Belgium; Kul, Belgium. 11:50AM, Adjustable ...

Re: [Aria-users] compiling error!

Alexander Hüntemann wrote: > Solution: > > 1) Recompile the whole Aria with your version of the compiler. > > 2) Install g++-3.4 and libstdc++.so 6 and type g++-3.4 instead of g++ as > command line. I had the same problem last week and this is the most > advisable solution. I should mention to everyone a little trick: You ...

Qatar University All...

Backwards Maneuvering Powered Wheelchairs with Haptic Guidance / Emmanuel B. Vander Poorten, Eric Demeester, Alexander Hüntemann, Eli Reekmans ...

User-adapted plan recognition and user-adapted shared control: A...

Autorzy. Eric Demeester Alexander Hüntemann Dirk Vanhooydonck Gerolf Vanacker Hendrik Van Brussel Marnix Nuttin. Treść / Zawartość.

عرض MARC - Qatar University/كل المواقع

|tBackwards Maneuvering Powered Wheelchairs with Haptic Guidance /|rEmmanuel B. Vander Poorten, Eric Demeester, Alexander Hüntemann, Eli ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Alexander

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Holländisch): Alexander; der (fremde) Männer Abwehrende, Beschützer der Männer; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); alexein = abwehren, schützen; aner = der Mann; bekannt durch Alexander den Grossen, König von Mazedonien (356-323 v.Chr.); bisher trugen 8 Päpste den Namen Alexander

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Hüntemann

Der Namen sollte, so wie es mir gesagt wurde, aus dem Zusammenhang mit dem seinerzeitigen örtlichen Gegebenheiten stammen. Der Fluss Hunte führt durch das nördliche Emsland; dieser Raum dürfte auch das Entstehungsgebiet dieses Namens sein: Huntemann--Hüntemann. Vielleicht U der Grosse; Ü der Kleine

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